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Only one WP working after switch

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I have the following situation: I have two candidate units that are to go to a point and play an animation and put down smoke for a chopper pickup. Candidate 1 will go if the player is not him. Candidate 2 will go if player is not him AND player is not Candidate 1. Just to prevent the player being asked to do waypoint that triggers him to put down smoke.

After this is done or skipped, they have a move waypoint each and a join for candidate 2, and join and lead for candidate 1. All WP's are synched. Join and lead setup will work without this setup and everyone flies happily out in choppers. But now one team will not get in.

The switch triggers are synched to the wp's after the animation wp (move wp).

But no matter how I set this up, the join + join and lead wp's are never activated. What am I doing wrong here?

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Agreed, where are the switch triggers, and what are they doing?

Quote[/b] ]Switch - A switch trigger is very useful for "breaking" a group out of a Cycle waypoint loop, or moving the group away from a Hold or Guard waypoint. When the trigger is synchronized with a waypoint, activating the trigger will instantly change the group's current waypoint to the first waypoint after the synchronized one. Note the synchronized waypoint's On Activation block is not executed.

You don't need both a "join" and a "join and lead" to join two groups. Just one or the other.

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The join and the join and lead which I currently use, seem to work fine, but ok, I'll try it out.

Anyways, problem solved. Had two mistakes; one was that I expected the switch trigger to act like a move instead of a hold -- that is, I thought the next wayoint would be active even if the trigger hadn't activated. But that if activated, it would skip the inbetweens and continue... My bad.

The other one was obvious when I think about it now. I needed a delayed trigger that removed the two switch triggers once set, because only one could be true since checked against player (single player).

Switch trigger 1: player==u2. On act: bCanDelete==true

Switch trigger 2: !(player=u2). On act: bCanDelete==true

Deletion trigger: bCanDelete. On act: delete both triggers

Which gives:

If player==u1, u2 will do the smoke anim, u1 will be ordered to the joinup point. The switch will be deleted.

If player==u2 or any other, u1 will do the smoke anim, while u1 and everyone else is ordered to the joinup point. The switch will be deleted.

I'm tired, but I hope I wrote this down correct, in case others might need it smile_o.gif

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