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Server all of a sudden doesn't except votes

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I play on one server most of the time, and sometimes it acts really quirky.  I've seen it happen twice, and I can't find a pattern that makes it start up.  All of a sudden the dedicated server will not register votes...you can see yourself vote but you can never see anyone else vote.  This causes chaos of course when we need an admin, since everyone is thinking everyone else is brain dead for sitting their not voting, stalling the game.  I play on this server practically every day, it only happens very seldomly....and the host always has voting enabled, and I'm pretty sure you can't change server options while the server is running.  It's really weird....everyone disconnected and came back and it still wouldn't accept votes.

When the voting stopped working, it started doing other things as well.  Player names wouldn't show up in the pool for a long time, some players couldn't get their name to stick in a spot when they pick a position(those two were probably the server lagging up), and the server reassigned all by itself for some reason.  We tried getting everyone to vote anyway and see if it still works even though you can't see anyone vote, but that didn't work either.

I was just wondering if anyone else has experienced this behaviour in some dedicated servers.

P.S. I wish you could edit title, I feel kinda silly putting except instead of accept, heh.

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Yup, was on a server last night that had no problems the night before, But for some reason was not accepting vote's for an Admin. Is it an option that can be turned off by the true admin?

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I am one of the admins of the server that Psycho1 is talking about. We allow voting all the time and do not change the cofigs to disallow it. From time to time we get reports of voting just not working and then it will mysteriously fix itself only to go on the fritz again at a later time. We have tried both leaving the default voting threshold and declaring a threshold in the config with the same result.

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Server does not accept voting when there is admin. Admin may be logged in or voted. Until admin types #logout or disconnects, voting is not possible.

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Thanks suma...but this seems to happen when there is no admin present (voted or otherwise). The problem sometimes occurs when there is no admin present and the players try to vote one in.

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Yeah, their is no admin present when this happens.  It's not just when voting an admin either, we tried kicking the afk person the first time this happened since voting for admin wasn't working and the same thing happened....you can see yourself vote but no one else can see you vote.  What I did notice before the server did this was that it was getting kind of "slow".  I was getting my usual pings when I checked, but the server was pretty slow loading up the stat page at the end of the game...I wasn't having a break in the connection so I thought that was peculiar.

When the voting got messed up and we reconnected, it took a long time to load up as well, everyone was having bad pings while reconnecting to the server, but the pings dropped down significantly when loading was done.  The pings were over 1000ms while loading for anyone with 56k, a lot higher than normal at least for me, and broadband users were having higher than usual pings as well. I do realize pings go up when loading, but this was a lot more than usual.

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