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Op4 BuhBye

ArmA bugs?

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I see you have deleted my second question. Can someone tell me where to put it and get an answer?

I dont see what the big deal is. Its a simple question that many consumers of your product would like to know the answer to.

Why wont anyone answer it?

If you cant dicuss bugs on the tracker site and you cant in the tracker forum and you cant in the general forum, Where can you discuss bugs?

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I have no idea who deleted your question but probably it just didn't fit.

If you take a close look around you see that you surely can discuss bugs on this forum, after all that's what it is here for.

You also can discuss (more or less) bugs in the bugtracker, though that is not what it is intented to.

I suggest you ask such questions in the "Ask a Moderator" topic or PM the Mod who deleted/edited your post instead of just making a new topic. wink_o.gif

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Sorry guyz Im stupid. I posted it and checked back a few hrs later and it was gone. Never thought a forum could move this fast. I guess now I know. Please delete the others.

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Sorry guyz Im stupid. I posted it and checked back a few hrs later and it was gone. Never thought a forum could move this fast. I guess now I know. Please delete the others.

I thought it was one of the slowest forums I have ever used on a regular basis.

All the ArmA forums I visit seem dead, unlike when Flashpoint was out, all the forums were very busy.

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All the ArmA forums I visit seem dead, unlike when Flashpoint was out, all the forums were very busy.

Mainly because ArmA wasn't released everywhere at once. These forums seem fairly busy to me. Also seems most people prefer the official forums over fan forums.

When the US release and 1.07 patch happens we should get some more people.

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