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Crash with Arma.exe error (online only)

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I bought ArmA a week ago and have only once been able to join a server online.

I've reinstalled the game 3 times, tried with and without the patch but it always crashes.

I've got an ATI X850XT card, single player works fine but its really bugging me now.

I've sent a message to 505games support.

Anyone got any ideas? The PC isn't overclocked and nothing else has any problems (BF2, Americas Army, etc).

Faulting application arma.exe, version, faulting module kernel32.dll, version 5.1.2600.2945, fault address 0x00012a5b.


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Can you try a different network card? Your ArmA only crashes when trying to play online, maybe the crash has something to do with the hardware providing the network connection.

Or if possible, update network card driver.

I think it is your hardware or its drivers, not ArmA causing this problem.

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I've just tried a different NIC, same problem.

Also bypassed my router and disabled my firewalls but still no joy sad_o.gif

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You could check this topic and if the advice there helps you. There is a bug with ArmA handling some very long mission names.

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