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Helicopter woes

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Problem 1:

I'm trying to make a UH60 spawn at an airfield at the mission start and immediately have a group of infantry board it using the following way points:




transport unload


get in

seek and destroy

Note: load and get in are synchronized

The problem is the men will start to load at mission start, however the helicopter at mission start will start to turn on it's engines, take off when half the men are just loading into the UH60, and then it will land again, and let the men finish loading then move on to it's next waypoint.

Is there a way to make the helicopter start it's engines and go onto it's next waypoint only _after_ the group of men finish loading into it?

Problem 2

To make more control over the UH60, I've been going this route:

Air -> UH60 (empty), named "helo1"

Men -> Pilot x4

this moveindriver "helo1"

this moveincargo "helo1"

this moveingunner "helo1"

this moveingunner "helo1"

I can not get a pilot into the 2nd gunner spot on the UH60, any thoughts? I'm trying to get two pilots in the front flight deck and two on the guns. Is the 'movein_X' command something else for that second gunner other than what I've had?

Problem 3:

Empty -> H (invisible), I'm using for my transport unload commands with the helicopters. Some times the helicopters while trying to go into a city miss the mark and attempt another location, and normally end up crashing.

Is there more to the helicopter landing zones than just map placement with a transport unload waypoint over them?

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Problem 1:

You could try heli1 setFlyInHeight 0 in it's init field. Then set it to 150 or something when you want it to take off.

What happens is that the chopper will move to the first waypoint, and wait there until the sync'ed waypoint is triggered. You could therefore try to place a waypoint at the start which you sync to the infantry 'get in'. Not sure what kind of waypoint would prevent the heli from taking off initially though.

Slight hijack: Have anyone successfully managed to assign a unit to the second turret (so that you can make it enter that pos with orderGetin)? I don't like moveIn smile_o.gif

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I'm no expert ,in fact a total newbie and i was having the same problem as yourself. Then i realised that in reality the Helo is waiting for the leader of the group to get in. As soon as the leader is in it is up and away ! So i always have the group board first then as leader board last. You dont always get the best seat on the Helo of course(lol) but it works for me.

Hope its been of some use to you.

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