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Please post all available temps.

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I have been scouring these posts, looking at issues and specs, and have noticed there is one element that is missing.  Temperatures.

Why is this so important?  Because the thermal stability of a component type is variable from manufacturer to manufacturer, and if you get outside the stable temp range of a component (or even close to it) you induce precision errors.  I posted in another forum about the 8800s below spec resistor that was fixed.  Chances are that if there was one mis-spec'ed part, there's another that's close.  Any project manager will ask, "Why do we have to use the $0.17 component when $0.14 components are available?"  The reason is precision, stability, and quality control from batch to batch - or even part to part.  To save money a manager will try to spec a component that is just within the price/performance envelope of a set of conditions.

The point:  If your case temperature is above the design profile, resistance in a component changes, that affects everything from power stablity to timings on a board.  This can change from batch to batch, and may be a significant issue due to how hard ArmA pushes the system.

I'd reccomend checking the temps of not just the processors, but also the case or MB temperature to see what environment the cards sub components are in.

X2 especially, and X3:Reunion at times crashed my system because of this.  My GPU /CPU temps were pretty warm, but not so much to cause worry (52-54c), but my case temps were higher than other sub parts could handle.  I know this because I took off the case cover, blew a fan at it and the problems dissapeared.  It's worth a try.  smile_o.gif

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Not that i dont think temp can be an issue, but the sheer amount of people with issues with ArmA is astounding, possibly more than any other game i have played.

This proves that either ArmA wasnt tested correctly or that it was massively rushed.

If you think each complaintant has an issue with temps then we all need to look at how ArmA is doing this! rofl.gif

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If it is 1% of the grains of sand that tip the favor of your computer into a crash, then it's a step in the right direction.

Suma already said the engine is pushing systems to the limit.  X2 did it to my old system.  Why wouldn't ArmA, that has many more calculations going on, do the same?  I'm not saying it's 'THE' problem.  I'm saying it's possible it's 'A' problem on some peoples computers.  Why would several identical systems run ArmA just fine - fantastically so - and then theres some out of the bunch that don't?

What variables are there?

0- **Same ArmA** assuming everyone's patched to the same level - Nobody's running their own special .Exe of ArmA, are they?

1- Different GFX card/memory/motherboard Manufacturers

   1a-Different production runs

        1a1-Possible different component quality between runs.

2- Different windows install / drivers

3- Different cases/power supplies/temperatures

I'd like to see the MFG/Model/and batch numbers on the graphics cards that are having all the terrible issues,  I wonder if there would be any correlation.

Edit: How exactly does the possibility that temperature issues exist prove that ArmA was untested? Or massively rushed? (athough I must agree with the fact it was, a individuals lack of thermal controlling is hardly a case in point). On Toms Hardware guide, they do harsh testing on power supplies and in the past have found several well known makes are overrated. When pushed to the limits, power dropped. When heat builds, power dropped. Temperature matters. Just sayin' wink_o.gif

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