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bind a key to enter vehicle

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Is there a way i could bind a key with a script file so that it always puts me in the driver position in a vehicle. So i can for instance stand by vehicle press enter and i will instanly be in driver so i dont have to scroll through the menu or anything.

or am i missing something. its not for me really but a bft player who likes armed assualt but wants to be able to get in cars quicker if that makes sense.

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How about when you walk close to the vehicle you press enter tounge2.gif

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yeah but it dosnt always come up and sometimes you get a load fo other stuff in the menu this is very confusing for my Bf2 playing friend for some reason - so i wonder if there is a key that can be bound to get in car.

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yes ther is.. but you need to check the nearestobject and the type of it.. and if there are several vehicles close to eachother you might get in the wrong car. also you need to check if the is a driver already in that car.

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