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Getting the AI to plant a mine?

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Yet another noob question by me! wink_o.gif

I know it is possible because of the Sniper auxiliary mission when the allied Officer plants a mine to stop the convoy so you can take them out, so how do you do that, so far I've narrowed it down to a waypoint, an Especas Saboteur (just call him character X) and the moving convoy, this is an intro, and I want the HUMMV(call this Vehicle X) at the front of the convoy to be destroyed and when that happens the intro ends and you are thrown into the thick of the action, so how do you do it?

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Put this in the "Init" field of a unit or in the "On Act" area in a waypoint/trigger.


Unitname fire "pipebombmuzzle"

The unit will set a satchel charge.


Unitname action ["TOUCHOFF", Unitname]

The unit will set off the satchel charge.

Make sure the unit you have selected to do this has satchels already in his inventory, otherwise this will not work.


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