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Execute something on the man in the script

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hello. I am having a problem.. and i am stumped.

okay here's the dealio. I have

?(player == w1 && w1sleep == 50): [w1] exec "kindatired.sqs"

Now. In kindatired.sqs, i need somehow to effect only w1.. But i also have things like

?(player == w2 && w1sleep == 50): [w3] exec "kindatired.sqs"

?(player == w3 && w1sleep == 50): [w3] exec "kindatired.sqs"

So.. rather than go through and make a seperate script for each man... I was wondering if there is any way i could have it check who is the guy getting the script executed on, and have the effects in Kindatired.sqs only affect him.. i am having things like the Unit talking, and blacking out.

any help would be Greatly appreciated.



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<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">//param passed to "kindatired.sqF" ...[unit]

_unit = _this select 0;

if(not local _unit)exitwith{hint"another players unit is running kindatired.sqs on another PC"};

if(local _unit)exitwith{hint" kindatired.sqs is being run on my PC for my unit"};

soz only code in sqf now..... icon_rolleyes.gif

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