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Mouse Lag

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Hi All,

I've read every mouse related thread in here but I'm not sure if people are having similar issues.

I'm having difficulty targeting quickly enough due to a slight delay between moving my mouse and the action occuring in-game. It's only a millisecond delay but it's enough to cause me to overshoot and have to readjust several times to get the crosshairs over the target, and with the AI in this game the delay to readjust is enough to mean death!

I don't have this issue with any other game, I've got a decent spec PC and a good mouse. I've updated all my drivers and tried the coolbits "render frames ahead = 0" solution suggested in other threads, I've also tried turning everything to lowest settings, this helps a little but not enough. There is no difference between v1.04 and 1.05. I'm a long time ofp player and I'm quite used to the controls and feel of it so I don't think I'm imagining this, ofp is working perfectly for me, smooth, responsive and accurate.

Does anyone else find this? I can only describe it like playing in treacle, slowing down reaction times, or like my guy is drunk!

This is not the issue other people are having of not hitting what they aim at, once my crosshairs are lined up I hit the target ok, just lining it up quick enough is the issue sad_o.gif

Any suggestions?


Core2Duo E6600


NVidia 7900GT 512MB

Asus P5B Deluxe

SoundBlaster Audigy

Logitech MX518

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I too get the same problem as do others and some say to force 'Vsync' off in your GPU settings but i still have the same issue when vsync is off or on .

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When I first started ArmA I felt the mouse moved kind off weird. It was because somehow the sensitivity of the x and y axis were not the same in ArmA, causing the feeling of LAG. I then adjusted the sensitivity of one axis to match the other one ( in the ArmA options this actually means that the x and y sensitivity are different ). It feels very smooth now. I have no idea why default the mouse setup was so wrong, as my 1024*768 resolution has a standart ratio. Perhaps the guys at BIS have wideview monitors and set the default sensitivities to match their setup ?

Anyhow, perhaps that might be your problem.

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MBot - Thanks for the suggestion but I checked and my sliders are both the same, I've also tried setting the sensitivity to various degrees all with no success confused_o.gif

Mr Reality - Yup I'm the same, vsync doesn't make any difference.

Anyone else find the same? It's a shame as ofp 'felt' spot on, AA just feels 'off' in comparison, I wish I knew what was causing the difference as I run ofp on this rig and it feels fine, isn't AA based on an upgraded ofp engine? I wonder if they've played about with the controls. If it aint broke don't fix it! For the most part this game is great, but this control issue is really starting to bug me, hopefully BI know about this issue and will patch it at some point.

Any other suggestions are welcome smile_o.gif

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You are probably aiming through grass or at woods, which slows you computer down to Amiga 500-status, and the mouse lag is actually low fps.

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I also have that mouselag with a pretty fast comp & grafixcard. (E6600 with 2Gb RAM, X1950XTX 512Mb DDR4)

The strang thing is... I only have it when I'm on the southern part of the island. crazy_o.gif

There's a very small village in the south named Pesto. When I place my in Pesto and I watch to north (at the buolding and a whole bunch of objects) I have no mouselag. But when I turn 180 degrees to the south I have that mouselag.

It makes no sense because there just a few hills in that direction, much less objects then when I turn myself into the other direction. The lag is even worse in the desert.

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MBot - Thanks for the suggestion but I checked and my sliders are both the same, I've also tried setting the sensitivity to various degrees all with no success confused_o.gif

Have you also tried to set the x to different values than y ? Because I need to select a higher Y sensitivity than X in the ArmA options in order to actually get matching X and Y handling while playing.

Anyway, I hope you will find the solution.

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@ the original poster

1) have you adjusted the "float zone" under Controls? Turning this all the way left (essentially turning it off) will help in aiming. Default gives a bit of "float" or mouse lag when trying to aim.

2) assuming that 1) has been implemented, are you using a LCD monitor?

The reason I ask, is that I normally use my 21" Sony Multiscan 500PS CRT for gaming. My top resolution is 1920x1200 and games look great on it. I have a 19" widescreen LCD monitor as well. The panel is a 5us response time TN type panel. It's fast response time is said to be much better for gaming.

What I find in ARMA, compared to the CRT, with the float zone turned off, I get a bit of mouse lag with the LCD monitor. It's noticeable switching from one monitor to the other. Reading reviews of LCD monitors, some panels have it a bit worse than others. Some games are effected more than others. With the LCD panel I have, I get mouse lag because of the LCD panel. If I switch back to the CRT, no more mouse lag. Very smooth mouse play. Could I live with the bit of mouse lag with the LCD, I suppose I could, but I have my trusty CRT.

Just a thought. If this is not a consideration, then as suggested earlier, you may be getting very low FPS. If that's the case, find the best resolution for ARMA with the best quality settings. Don't feel bad about using Normal settings. ARMA's world is very cpu intensive. The amount of detail, even at lower ingame quality settings, is pretty impressive.

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@ the original poster

1) have you adjusted the "float zone" under Controls? Turning this all the way left (essentially turning it off) will help in aiming. Default gives a bit of "float" or mouse lag when trying to aim.

2) assuming that 1) has been implemented, are you using a LCD monitor?

The reason I ask, is that I normally use my 21" Sony Multiscan 500PS CRT for gaming. My top resolution is 1920x1200 and games look great on it. I have a 19" widescreen LCD monitor as well. The panel is a 5us response time TN type panel. It's fast response time is said to be much better for gaming.

What I find in ARMA, compared to the CRT, with the float zone turned off, I get a bit of mouse lag with the LCD monitor. It's noticeable switching from one monitor to the other. Reading reviews of LCD monitors, some panels have it a bit worse than others. Some games are effected more than others. With the LCD panel I have, I get mouse lag because of the LCD panel. If I switch back to the CRT, no more mouse lag. Very smooth mouse play. Could I live with the bit of mouse lag with the LCD, I suppose I could, but I have my trusty CRT.

Just a thought. If this is not a consideration, then as suggested earlier, you may be getting very low FPS. If that's the case, find the best resolution for ARMA with the best quality settings. Don't feel bad about using Normal settings. ARMA's world is very cpu intensive. The amount of detail, even at lower ingame quality settings, is pretty impressive.

1/ Turn off VSYNC AND tripple buffer in GPU controls.

2/ Get rid of mouse float zone.

3/ Make sure you mouse is 1600 DPI+ ;}

Make sure you have a stable 30+ FPS, eg turn down VFX settings. Then test to see if you still have mouse lag.

Note: POST PROCESS on is a killer for this even on a 8800 GTX.

The reason a CRT can get rid of mouse lag, is that you might be running it at 100 HZ, most LCD's can only do 60hz.

In simple terms LCD's can only display 60 FPS, CRT's 100-120 FPS. If you have triple buffer OR VSYNC on ARMA starts spitting frames all over the show thus mouse lag (other games do this as well).

The rule of thumb is check your monitor refresh rate.

LCD generally is 60 hz. So what you need is a stable 60 FPS or MIN 30 FPS. Install FRAPS, check your ARMA FPS. Make sure tripple buffer is OFF, arma has it's own buffer.

If you hit a stable 60+ fps or better, than you can turn on VYSNC. If you EVER drop below 60fps at monitor refresh 60hz then you MUST set it off. yes you get screen tear but thats because your PC can't give your monitor the 60 FPS it want's.

On CRT if you run at 100hz monitor refresh, then you want 100FPS, if you don't get a stable 100FPS, VSYNC OFF. And yes you can cheat by setting your CRT to 60hz and Aim for 60 FPS and not 100FPS.

There is loads more to it than this, and people argue over FPS and scanlines, fields etc blah blah but in the most simple terms the above reduces or elimates aim lag in almost all FPS games when played offline.

Currently reports suggest that the actual human eye sees about 60-120 FPS if compared to camera/monitor etc. Hence 60fps or better feels more immersive to people. The human eye is 100,000 to several million verticle lines res.

Online your internet conection, router, net settings, Server you play on and ping can also cause LAG.

Test mouse lag in single player, if its gone, but there again in multiplayer, its not your GPU or CPU ;}

The other simple FPS arguement is if your CPu and GPu are bottlenecked so bad your getting 5 FPS, no wonder your mouse is laggy your machine is having a fit! What the mouse imput just was, is the very least of its problems....

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Quote[/b] ]The other simple FPS arguement is if your CPu and GPu are bottlenecked so bad your getting 5 FPS, no wonder your mouse is laggy your machine is having a fit!

I do agree with this statement about bottlenecking. ARMA is very cpu intensive and will find the bottlenecks in your system, especially at higher quality settings. About all one can do is tweak he heck out of their rig, identify the bottlenecks and then try to selectively upgrade the component if practical.

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Quote[/b] ]The other simple FPS arguement is if your CPu and GPu are bottlenecked so bad your getting 5 FPS, no wonder your mouse is laggy your machine is having a fit!

I do agree with this statement about bottlenecking. ARMA is very cpu intensive and will find the bottlenecks in your system, especially at higher quality settings. About all one can do is tweak he heck out of their rig, identify the bottlenecks and then try to selectively upgrade the component if practical.

Oh and avoid wireless mouse like the plague.

Try arma with everything set low on GFX, if you get mouse lag then there is something else at play.

Thats how i found post process and grass messed up my aiming.

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Great thread - just what I was looking for.

Glad to see I'm not the only one who has this problem.

It feels a lot like Mouse Smoothing, but nearly impossible to kill.

E6600 OC'd 3.4GHz


2GB RAM 4-3-3-4 @ 900MHz

XP Pro 32bit

I still get this lagging - and I"m running with most settings on high and the AA/AF on normal. This game is brutal.

Still tweaking.

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I have the lag problem, but it is with all controols, what is funny is I had it in early versions of arma but not in 1.06-1.07 but it started again in 1.08. I really hate the lag, i am used to floating like in OFP but it is imposible to fight with lag like this.

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