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M1 Abrams - Single mission 6

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I'm having problems on single mission 6 - the one where you command three M1 Tanks to capture two enemy bases. I'm stuck at the end. I've killed everyone at base one and at base two. At the end of killing all troops at base two, two tanks enter the compound and i've destroyed them too. I've drove around looking for more troops and waited for almost twenty minutes yet nothing has happened. Is this a bug?

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have you taken a look at the bridge ? , the last enemy i killed before ending the mission was a tank and a soldier that were over there

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There might be enemy infantry hidden somewhere, i was able to capture the first base once but it only ticked the obj when i killed the last guy.

This mission is an example of features and Arma design decisions having a rather negative impact on gameplay.

The HRD in action makes it impossible to see, its cloudy and 09:xx hours in the morning...

Commanders seat periscope doesnt zoom + dirty lenses.

Clumsy targeting interface.

BMP-2 AT5 missile reloads very fast now making the BMP often more effective than a T-72?

Armored combat is better in OPF, the MBT's could take more damage before being disabled.

Most of the time i got a target lock on the BMP-2 but no LOS to allow a direct hit while he was able to take my M1 out with 2 AT5's, i know the missiles are guided but still...

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I walked across the bridge but there was no one there. There must be an enemy soilder stuck somewhere. Perhaps its a bug and the soilder has wondered off to another island never to be seen again and to finish the job i need to kill him. Personally, i loved this mission until this happended!

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don't know if it is a bug but in the mission battlefields i was playing as a t72 crew and the mission didn't ended until i disembarked from the tank (after killing all the enemies and wandering around a little while looking for posible missed enemies )

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I've had this type of error in various missions. There's one way round it if you've think you've definitely killed every living soul and completed all objectives. (ie not cheating)

PRESS "shift -" (Numpad minus)

THEN TYPE "endmission"

(no cursor appears, just type it)

This should end the mission for you allowing you to complete and see all the lovely people you've killed (my fav bit) biggrin_o.gif

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I went home last night and tried the mission again. I destroyed everything in the first base and then went on to base two. HOWEVER, my two buddy M1 Abrams decided to take a holiday in base one. Even though I specifically ordered them to go to base two dozens of times, they didn't budge. So i decided to team switch to move them myself. OH DEAR! I switched to tank 2. Although i was now in control of tank 2 it was not responding to any commands i gave, nor did it move. So i thought i'd swtich to tank 3 only to find the 'T' key was no doing anything when pressed it.

So i'mstuck in a tank without the ability to move, fire or look around. GREAT GAME!

However i restarted the mission and completed it next time. Its a bit of a lottery playing Arma. You never know what your gonna get!

However ,the next single mission is brilliant, with the Gunship that kicks ass. Roll on patch 1.06 so i can start the campaign!

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I had a BMP2 stuck under the bridge. Spent ages looking for where the enemy was.

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Yo, Hamio, what's shakin'?


The usual lack of sleep. Spending waaaay too much time tinkering with the editor biggrin_o.gif

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