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Radio messages

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Is there a way to use Arma campaign radio messages in my own missions?

I mean those 'Papa bear, return to base' 'Leave no-one alive' etc.

How can I use those and is there a list of available phrases?

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[West, "HQ"] sidechat "print the message here you want."

Dont know about the sounds but as you already might know heres the blue "crossroads" message on screen blue text from HQ's. wink_o.gif

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Ok I used Unpbo for one of the single missions.

In your own mission, you can call e.g. 'player sideradio "M06r01";' Which will print "Echo to foxtrot: all on board, let's go' and play same sentence as audio too.

Now we only need a list of all the phrases that are in the game.. I think there are quite a few pretty generic messages which could be reused.

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No they are in sounds.pbo ..btw you can use all music tracks included in the game as well: playMusic "atrack1"; playMusic "atrack15"; etc. There are 26 tracks.

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