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Laser Designators

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Hi all

Can someone explain how the laser designator is used? In particular I am using Predators excellent sound and weapon config mod and the Cobra no longer has a radar but has a laser designator. How does this work?

Also special forces seem to have them but I've yet to have a mission where I need to use the designator - am I missing some vital piece of functionality not explained in the (sparse/crap) manual?

Thanks in advance.


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Have you ever considered using the search function before you start a new topic?

By simply typing 'laser designator' in I found at least 3 topics discussing the use of a LD:

here, here and here.

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Hi all

Can someone explain how the laser designator is used? In particular I am using Predators excellent sound and weapon config mod and the Cobra no longer has a radar but has a laser designator. How does this work?

Also special forces seem to have them but I've yet to have a mission where I need to use the designator - am I missing some vital piece of functionality not explained in the (sparse/crap) manual?

Thanks in advance.


Questions regarding Pred's mod are to be asked here.

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