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Mass eject or bailout problem

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I noticed while playing on the XGN Dedicated server (realistic) the following bizarre behaviour, witnessed by all players on the map.


A single UH-60 on being shot down resulted in this parafest.

It is almost like every clients recording of the incident has been mirrored accross the network in a sort of echo, so of the 16 players in the game, we got 16 x 2 pilots ejecting = 32 parachutes, even though there are a damn site more than that!

If replicated, I will post again.

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This looks like a scripting error where the eject is run on each client instead of just the server.

I don't think its a bug with the game, someone at OFPEC also had this problem but once the scripting was corrected to only run on the server the problem went away.

Was it an official mission?

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Thanks for the reply Hoz.

It was not an official mission. It was beach assault


SO I ensure I dont waste your time, I dePBO'd the mission and you are correct. The paradrop trigger condition is

Quote[/b] ]helo in thislist

and activation is:

Quote[/b] ][specialForces, helo] exec ""Paradrop.sqs""

The Paradrop.sqs is:

Quote[/b] ]_Group = _this select 0

_Vehicle = _this select 1

_listunits = units _Group

_A = 0

_B = count _listunits


_listunits select _A action ["EJECT", _vehicle]

Unassignvehicle (_listunits select _A)



?_B >_A:goto "KEEPSENDING"


MoveNext = TRUE

Its the mission, not the program. Sorry to have bothered you, I will do my research first next time.

(Note: the fix should have been to have a gamelogic unit called server, and the condition for the trigger should have been

Quote[/b] ]helo in thislist and local server

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There are other missions where choppers eject alot of empty 'chutes. Is it the same script-error?

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Moving to Mission editing.

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