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repawning side

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Hi im making a big mission and i got side respawn but i always respawn in group and i know there are more playable soldiers that are a.i controlled but i dont get to respawn as them. But when i do mission editor i can respawn as any playable soldier.. is there something im missing? any command or setting to make soldiers as playable in the editor interface? whistle.gif

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I would also like to know how to respawn on another squad on the same team.

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This is the Biki page that lists your options.

You're out of luck if you want it to happen automatically. Unless you do a base respawn type and then move people into groups as they respawn.


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Quote[/b] ]5 or "SIDE" Respawn on your side (if there's no AI left, you'll become a seagull) - planned, but was never implemented.

That sucks sad_o.gif and I've never gotten respawn in base to work, is that like a infinite respawn?

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Base respawn should just work, infinitely. Note that you need the correctly named marker on the position where you want the respawn to occur.


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As per what's in the biki, you need the description.ext file to contain...

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">



The 3 is the base type. Respawn delay can be whatever you like, but I use 15 normally.

Then in your actual map, you create a marker called respawn_west, presuming that the human players will be playing the BLUFOR side. Position that marker where you want them to respawn and you should be good to go for infinite respawn.


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As per what's in the biki, you need the description.ext file to contain...

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">



The 3 is the base type. Respawn delay can be whatever you like, but I use 15 normally.

Then in your actual map, you create a marker called respawn_west, presuming that the human players will be playing the BLUFOR side. Position that marker where you want them to respawn and you should be good to go for infinite respawn.


Hmm this is strange, I've tried all that before but it didn't work, now however it did.

Problem is though that I want to respawn on another squad when dead, and only once, so if the second squad dies it's game over.

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