cobra@pulse 0 Posted March 14, 2007 General Information Overview The Royal Air Assault Battalion was formed during November 2004 with the goal of becoming one of the premier British Squads for Operation Flashpoint:Resistance. We pride ourselves on our realisitic representation of the British Army slightly modified to suit ArmA and our members needs but like any squad we enjoy a good laugh aswell. As Armed Assault came around a number of changes where made and now RAAB is back again, with the same goal of becoming one of the premier British Squads for Armed Assault. RAAB is a fictional unit of 16th Air Assault Brigade who act mainly as a Quick Reaction Force, ready to deploy to on any operation required of us at short notice whether supporting other units during a large scale operation to operating without support behind enemy lines. Being an Air Assault Unit with 525 Squadron (another fictional unit) available to provide air support, RAAB has a large number of options available to undertake and successfully complete any operation they are tasked with. ----------------------------------------------------------- RAAB is currently recruiting, but has limited places left. If you want to apply then visit the forums at today! ----------------------------------------------------------- Structure The Royal Air Assault Battalion is broken down into different sections, currently these are: Battalion HQ Section - This section is the core of all operations. Containing the OC and Battalion Sgt. Major. All orders will handed out to others from this section. 1st Platoon HQ, 1, 2 & 3 Rifle Sections - These 3 rifle sections are made up of 8 infantry soldiers per section, each lead by a Corporal (IC) who is assisted by a Lance Corporal (2IC). There is also a Platoon HQ where the Plt Com. and Plt. Sgt are found. Currently, the below are not yet operational but will be shortly... 2nd Platoon Fire Support and Logistics - Responsible for all our heavy weapons such as Javalins, GPMG's, HMG's and ground transport. Sniper Recce - Responsible for all pathfinder activites such as securing LZ's and so on for the main force. Air Support Section - This is the AAC unit dedicated to RAAB operations. Providing transport and air support for the sections on the ground, this section is key to RAABs success. With more members more sections will open up allowing us to undertake more challenging operations. See our website (Coming Soon) for more information on these sections. Training In The Royal Air Assault Battalion we spend around 60% of our time training. This is broke down into Training Sessions and Tactical Exercises. RAAB's training program consists of 11 sessions which have been broken up into the following catergories: Current Military Syllabus Recruit - 5 sessions Current Military Syllabus Advanced Training - 5 sessions Parachute Training - 1 session Each member is expected to complete all the training sessions ASAP. More indepth information on training sessions is available on our website. Unlike operations, a Tactical Exercise (TacEx) is available to every member of RAAB no matter what training they have undertaken. The idea behind a Tac Ex is to allow members to learn the basics of training sessions they have not undertaken while allowing NCOs to see which area's people and the squad as a whole need to improve on. Respawn is used during these to allow members to gain full experience from the exercise. Tac Exs are done very often. Operations These are live sessions in which all the training and hard work will come together. There are two types of operations RAAB deploy on, both played without respawn, which are known as Single Operations and Tours. Single Operations These are exactly as they sound, a single operation which is completed in one sit-in. Usually lasting 2+ hours these can be anywhere doing anything. General information and intel will be available to RAAB members a few days before hand to allow us to work out a time to deploy that suits most members. These are the most common type of operation RAAB undertake. Tours Made up of several operations in a certain area (island) with a fictional background from the Operations Team, tours last around a month and are very demanding. Members are given the chance to earn Campaign Badges, invaluable experience and respect for getting through alive. These are to be announced months before hand to allow the Training Wing to provide build up training and to allow members to gain the qualifications needed to attend. Joint-Ops RAAB like to do operations with other like minded squads. It allows us to take on larger scale operations and work with new people. If you believe your squad may be interested in a joint-op feel free to contact us via. our forums. Fun and Games Although we take what we do seriously, we like to have a laugh. We allow our members to use the server for things other than coops. This is good for team building and light stress relief after your parachute failed to deploy at the beginning of the last operation. ----------------------------------------------------------- Testimonies Name: 2Lt SasyBoy Rank: Bat OC Serving: Since time was time Been in RAAB for ages and it’s always been a hard core co-op squad based on real military tactics and effective team play.  The founders of RAAB (Cpl Chris (VCB) and Lt MunkD (Rtd)) set the blue print of things to come.  We’ve had so many changes over the years but we’ve kept a strong emphasis on keeping it real and fresh. Recently as I’m sure you’ve read we’ve moved to ArmA which is a really exciting time for our squad.  The battle field is so much more beautiful and developments in ArmA are coming out all the time.  It’s all good. We’re redeving everything from OFP making controllable parachutes, new training systems, tactical exercises and a wide selection of operations.  Being part of this happing and active squad is brill (but then I would say that).  Maybe just give us a go we’ve got some really skilled people here creating interesting and upbeat content weekly. If you're a dever, leader, player, team worker or a fantastic bloke in GMT +-2 we need you Name: LCpl David Rank/Possition: 2IC - 525 Squadron Serving: Longer than Cobra. I joined RAAB god knows how long ago not long after I had bought Operation Flashpoint. I was looking for a good, tactical squad to join with a good structure and good cooperation. I soon found RAAB, a rather small and new squad. However, under the excellent leadership of Munk and Sasyboy, RAAB quickly grew and became an excellent squad that was highly professional and fun to play with. Since then the squad has been through its ups and downs, as well as many changes (both good and bad). During my time in RAAB I have served in many roles; starting off as a LAW soldier (and proving I can't hit a thing), a UGL soldier and a rifleman. However, one of the highlights of my time in RAAB was when I managed to get into the AAC arm of RAAB (525 Squadron) and eventually ended up as 2IC within the squardon 525. During this time I somehow picked up a seemingly unshakeable reputation for crashing into trees (something I actually rarely ever did). Name: LCpl Greg Rank/Possition: 2IC - 1 section Serving: Bloody ages I started playing OFP since its release date way back when, but never actually joined the comunity until about 2003. Before then I had never installed any user addons or missions, and most of the time OFP sat ignored on my desk. However, upon joining a missions making team, we were aproached by a RAAB member, telling us about the clan. I joined the forums, signed up, and booked my BAT. Having never used PUKFs weapons or units before, I had barely an hours practice, had just installed TS2, and set off on what actually was my first online gaming session. Ever. Yet I passed, the lads taking the session told me what I did well, and what I was to improve, and then it led on from there, training and ops weekly, and great laughs too. ----------------------------------------------------------- What is The Royal Air Assault Battalion? RAAB is a British Coop Squad for Armed Assault which prides itself on realistic game play and our 'im too hard for the SAS' 'taches. What makes RAAB different from other squads? Unlike other ArmA clans, RAAB is a squad which is highly trained in tactics closely related to those used by the British Army. We spend most of our time training in these tactics so we're ready and able to deploy on operations when required. How often do you play? There is normally something happening with RAAB daily, whether its a training session, an operation, a tactical exercise or just a few of the lads having a laugh. RAAB normally deploys on live operations around once every week. Why do you not accept every application? To be a member of RAAB people need a certain abilities and mentality. In a squad which requires 100% teamwork to reach our goals it would not be good for the squad as a whole to accept somebody who wont follow orders. I dont have much free time right now, should I still apply? Unless you will be fully available within around a week we ask you do not apply. Having people without much free time join the squad means that they are holding up a slot which could be filled by a more active member. We do not expect you to be available all the time and as long as we are informed before hand do not have a problem with members taking leave. If you are going to be away for an extended period of time then we will remove you from a section and reassign you once you return. Im not British, can I still apply? Yes, aslong as the time difference doesn't stop you from attending sessions then you can apply (normally people outside GMT+/-2 have trouble with this) and you can speak English clearly. If I apply for a certain role will I get it? No, we will try and assign you as close as possible to the role of your choice but it all depends on what the squad needs. Is TeamSpeak really important? Not being able to use teamspeak will hinder your chances of being promoted above the rank of Private. Communication is a key part of any military operation and waiting for somebody to type out orders whilst under fire will end up getting people killed. You will however definatly need the program even if you dont have a mic. I’m an ex reg how can I help? By telling us how we could improve. We might think your ideas are shit but we always appreciate anything you suggest.  Please help us. I’m an ex reg do I need to train? Yes, ArmA is different to real life and we may not use the same training you have. Besides, it's important you are operating on the same level as other members so it’s best to sit in, at least then you can comment on what we do. Do I have to pay for the server? At the moment, no. Donations as beer money are always welcomed by the senior staff though.  :P Im a mission editor, can I help out? We have an inhouse operations team who design all our operations which you could join. All we ask is that you be patient, complete basic training and get some operational experience. Im an addon creator, can I help out? Yes, Armed Assault is a very new game and at the moment RAAB is having to create almost all of its content ourselves. So, as an addon creator you would be vauled. However, this is most definatly not a requirement. Where can I get the British Addons from? RAAB is developing a number of UK addons such as weapons and units under the RAABOpen. This is a free to modify collection of work as long as you follow the instructions laid out in the read me for crediting and so on. This addon is semi-public, instructions on obtaining it will be given to you upon notification of your interest. Is Queens Gambit (Expansion) required? At present, no, however the odd mission may be run on it from time to time. How do I apply? Before deciding to apply you should read through all the information on our site and decide if this is the right squad for you. If your not a person who can live with a structured squad with ranking and heavy teamwork involved then you need not apply. After reading through our recruitment process you will need to fill out the form for your application in the Applications thread on our forums. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Munk 0 Posted January 10, 2008 RAAB can now be found at and we are currently in the process of finishing our new website. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RN Malboeuf 12 Posted March 2, 2008 disregard my old tags lol... I am in |ACS|, Armed Combat Services (coop, paramilitary clan). We are interested in gaming with other coop clans. We are a friendly bunch and are kind of small in our ArmA area. We support 4 other games too. Hope to see you soon. Website: (post in forums for quick responses) TS IP: (might be password protected) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Placebo 31 Posted March 3, 2008 Why are you spamming other squad's threads with your blurb? You should only be posting your info in your thread. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites