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weird video card problem?

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um.. when i run opflash in video modes that end in x16

so like

800 x 600 x 16 there are lotsa fragments and and like weird lines on buildings and you can see through stuff and you can see through soldiers helmets.

but when i change it to x32

so like 800 x 600 x 32

everything is fine.. except that it runs like s**ts. whats the prob?

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The only thing, is it BAD for YOU?

I have the sound problem which means you can hear footsteps from some 500m distance, helps me pinpoint enemys every time, although its hard to determine if they are 10m away or 100m away wink.gif

Also have the graphic problem, its kind off fun seeing halfway through a tree when someone is under it...

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That's the w-buffer problem i've been on here griping about. It fixes that polygon flickering in 16 bit mode. If you can manage to enable it, the polygon flickering should go away.

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alright. thx. ill try that. and heres my specs

amd 1.2 ghz

nvidia vanta

256 ram

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no. it didnt fix it. its still lots of lines in stuff and can still see through helmets and crap...

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amd 1.2 ghz

nvidia vanta LE

256 ram

windows me

direct x 8.1

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You should run OFP in 32-bit mode if you have a NVIDIA-based card. I realize it will slow performance down, but it will fix the visual defects.

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no. 32 bit actually makes the game unplayable. like there is 4000 ping when theres no trees or people. just land. and it runs crapy.

like dat

i have AGP nvidia vanta. 16 bit

maybe the comp is reading it as a pci card? i know its agp. where do i go to check dis kinda stuff?

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Run DXDIAG.EXE, the DirectX diagnostics. In the program, click on the Video tab, and run the tests there.

You have a very old video card there, it is probably time to toss it and get something new. A GeForce2 MX400 or plain (no TV tuner etc.) Radeon DDR would be a good value if you don't want to spend a lot of money.

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i have a pci nvidia riva tnt 2 32 bit in my comp that is disconnected. (my old one). but this is agp.

isnt agp better than pci?

i want to know. what card is better

agp nvidia vanta le 16 bit

pci nvidia riva tnt 2 32 bit.

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oh. and all tests were successful. which is a good thing im guessin

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The "16" and "32" don't refer to bits, but MB, or megabytes. This is the amount of video memory on the card.

An AGP card is going to be faster than a PCI card with the same video chip. Furthermore, OFP will run fine with 16MB of RAM.

I would try switching to the other video card.

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i switched and it actually runned better wit the AGP card. and to make sure. i did 3d mark benchmark thingy and every time. teh agp card got about 700 - 1000 higher score...

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The Vanta chip only has a 64-bit memory bus (compared to 128-bit on a 'full' TNT2) so it's not surprising it runs like a slug at 32-bit. If the PCI card is a full TNT2 you may find it runs the game faster even on a slower bus; I started out playing OFP at 800x600x32 on an AGP TNT-1 and it was playable with the detail settings turned down.

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lol, AGP is good when you have a video card that accually uses it. the vanta doesn't use it at all. Basicly runs the same as if it were a cpi card. The TNT2 would be much better

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