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Adding self-made radio voices....

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so after too long of boring extractions that have no interactive with i finally want to spice it up a bit.

i've made an extraction request sound file that I want activated when I execute the radio alpha switch trigger. the chopper then comes and extracts my squad.

however I only know how to add music files in the description.ext file.

i managed to get the request radio messege working as a music track file but I want to be able to add music to the effects too.

what do i type in the description.ext to add a custom radio voice file?

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make something like this in your description file..

class CfgSounds


sounds[] = {};

class myradiovoice



sound[] = {"\sound\myradiofile.ogg",db+10,1.0};

titles[] = {};



then you could do in the trigger ""radio alpha"".

on act: player say "myradiovoice"

then you should get a sound when you radio for alpha.

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I need help with sounds myself. Thought I'd just put it in here rather than starting my own thread.

I know how to put it into the description.ext under the cfgsounds, but I haven't found anywhere how to make and where to put the sound files I make.

What is an .ogg file? I have a bunch of .wav files that I want my troops to say. Do I just rename the .wav's to .ogg? And do I put the .ogg files in the mission's directory, or do I need to put it in a sound sub folder in the mission's directory?

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I know how to put it into the description.ext under the cfgsounds, but I haven't found anywhere how to make and where to put the sound files I make.  

What is an .ogg file?   I have a bunch of .wav files that I want my troops to say.   Do I just rename the .wav's to .ogg?   And do I put the .ogg files in the mission's directory, or do I need to put it in a sound sub folder in the mission's directory?

OGG is a sound file type, just like a WAV or even a MP3

If you want to use your WAV's, convert them to OGG using a file converter.

Yes, sounds go in the missions directory by default, but if your going to use a bunch, organize yourself and put them in a subdirectory like /sounds and then in the descripition.ext, call them with "sounds/file.ogg"

I have a sound (song really) that I want played at the beginning of my FORT ROOSTER mission, so I put THIS in my ext:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CfgMusic



class W17


name = "Rooster - Alice n Chains";

sound[] = {\music\Rooster.ogg, db+1.8, 1.0};



Then, I made a directory called "music" in my mission directory, and put my file, Rooster.ogg, into it.

Then, in a trigger, you can chose song and see Rooster.ogg listed!


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I figured it out. In my mission I have a squad on patrol, and subtitles were taking away from the mission. Now I got everyone speaking out loud instead of just over the text radio. Adds a lot to the atmosphere.

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