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Nvidia 6800 black screen

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The game runs fine until the game reloads as you fly, then it displays a black screen and then I get a "no signal".  I have to shut my system down.  I have not been able to play at all.


P4 3.4gz

Nvidia 6800 256MB

1GB RAM 512cache

Windows XP update 2

Sound Blaster card

Armed Assault 1.05 download version English

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are you sure this happens only during arma? no signal should mean that the monitor/display has no connection to the graphics card. check the cables but if its really only in games then there is something seriously wrong with your graphics card

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This could mean the computer crashed completely, can you still alt+tab? if that's the case, perhaps your screen doesn't support a resolution or refreshrate that arma is in.

Try changing the resolution/refreshrate of your screen in arma, you can do that by editing ArmA.cfg in(default location) C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\ArmA

if all that didn't help, re-install graphics driver?

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