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as it activate the game after 3 installations

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I obtained to activate the game once again and without help of the support, I utilized the even serial one of alone acceleration that used the letter in minuscula to the opponent of the other times and accepted activate the game.  

1- I installed the armed assault in the version German 1.01

2- I installed the patch 1.02

3- I installed the OpeAL_1990 that comes joined with the patch 1.02

4- I utilized the even serial one of acceleration with letter minuscula and the game come back it function

sorry my inglish language native Portuguese fron Brazil

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you saying you changed a digit on your activation key?

but now you have a different serial

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Did not barely I change the serial one that was activated in maiuscula for minuscula ex: LXRT4 for lxrt4, I sent more of 30 and-mails for Metaboli and did not I have answer

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I think now I understand it, at least partially.

Another victim of Metaboli support which can't activate his copy no more and they don't answer his emails.

What email have you used? I think there is a german and an english speaking email at Metaboli - not sure though.

Now your english is pretty bad, it's possible that the people at Metaboli also have no idea what you want from them and trashed the mails.

Maybe you have a friend who speaks better english and can help you translating the email?

I have no idea about that activation thing, but it shouldn't matter if you type the code in LXRT4 or lxrt4. At least I can type however I want with my DVD Version.

Also check your spamfolder, maybe the email from Metaboli is there.

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my version this in German and was by download by the Metaboli, with two serial an equal one ainstalar the game and the another for activate

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