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I`ve got an own Arma Community and normaly I love this game till NOW!

1.05 ist a Bug-Patch!

- less performence

- more bugs then before

and I think its realy time for a fix for the patch!!!

AND fix things that be importent and no little grafik bugs!!!!

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I`ve got an own Arma Community and normaly I love this game till NOW!

1.05 ist a Bug-Patch!

- less performence

- more bugs then before

and I think its realy time for a fix for the patch!!!

AND fix things that be importent and no little grafik bugs!!!!

I think its awesome that you use so much and clear arguments!

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Works much better for the majority. Shame.

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- more bugs then before

Hello Boby666666,

can you please tell what kind of bugs you have encountered? Otherwise your post does not do any good.

Familiarize yourself with the ArmA Community Bugtracker, search for the bugs you have found and make new bug reports if you can't find the bugs from there. Thank You.



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I guess the troubleshooting section would be a perfect location aswell, once he can actually tell us what´s wrong.

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Quote[/b] ]- more bugs then before

Care to elaborate ?

Quote[/b] ]AND fix things that be importent and no little grafik bugs!!!!


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There are already some threads for Patch 1.05 around. Closing. smile_o.gif

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