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Run dialog on Admin client only

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I am making a MP-mission that will have a whole bunch of settings.

The thing is that the two parameters available when assigning (param1 & param2) is taken by respawn options.

So I will need to make a dialog script that will let you choose time, weather, fog and so on ingame...

The thing is that I only want the admin to be able to pick those options. It would be easy if the admin is serving on the same computer. I'd only check the server logic (? local server), but what if the mission is run on a dedicated server?

I would like to have the cameras of all the clients over the water until the dialog is finished, and the dialog should only appear on the admins computer. Also, if there is no admin the dialog should just be skipped and some preset conditions will be used (the ones in the editor).

Is there any command that will return if a client is admin?

Perhaps you have another creative sollution to this.

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there is no "Who is admin" command.

It has been requested but as yet there has been no response from B.I

all you can do is assign the dialogue to a specific unit slot qnd have the dialogue run on that unit only

?(local unitname): createDialog "Mydialog";

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