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Obtaining map grid reference (eg: Fg52)

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How do you obtain the map grid reference (eg: Fg52) for a given position, or the position reference displayed on your GPS?

Is there a command for it or do you have to calculate it yourself?

Edit: Thanks for the code, Wolfrug.

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Open notepad, copy-paste the "code" section this into it, save as something like 'gridRcoord.sqf'. Call by initing a unit. From readme :

(Also available with demo mission from OFPEC - alas these forums don't allow attachements!wink_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]HOW TO USE IT:

Either check out the demo-mission on Rahmadi, included in this zip and find out how to implement it or use the following lines.

Use these lines to get the function to work:

fAdd = compile loadFile "getRCoord.sqf"; --> to compile the function and attach a name

hint format ["%1",[soldier] call fAdd]; --> shows a hint with the grid coordinates


titleText [format ["%1",[soldier] call fAdd],"PLAIN",1]; --> shows a titleText with the grid coordinates

Or any other use you can give to the function output. Just remember to use the first line to compile and load the function.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">comment "Cheetah, 6th of January 2007 - contact: forum www.ofpec.com or cheetah99 [at] hotmail [dot] com";

comment "V1.00";

private ["_unit","_x","_upperArray","_lowerArray","_numberArray","_xLeft","_yLeft","_s1","_s2","_s3","_s4","_xCoordB","_xCoordS","_yCoordB","_yCoordS","_coord"];

_unit = _this select 0;

_xLeft = (getPos _unit) select 0;

_yLeft = (getPos _unit) select 1;

_upperArray = ["V","W","X","Y","Z","A","B","C","D","E","F","G","H","I","J","K","L","M","N","O","P"];

_lowerArray = ["a","b","c","d","e","f","g","h","i","j"];

_numberArray = ["4","3","2","1","0","9","8","7","6","5","4","3","2","1","0","9","8","7","6"];

_numbersArray = ["1","0","9","8","7","6","5","4","3","2","1","0","9"];

_s1 = -10000;

_s2 = -8000;

_s3 = 0;

while { (_xLeft >= _s1) } do


if (abs(_xLeft) < _s2) then


if (_xLeft > 0) then


_xLeft = _xLeft - ((_s3-5) * 2000);



_s1 = _s1 + 2000;

_s2 = _s2 + 2000;

_s3 = _s3 + 1;


if (abs(_xLeft) >= 2000) then


_xLeft = _xLeft + (abs(_s3-5) * 2000);

_x = 1;


_s4 = (abs(_xLeft) / 200);

_s4 = (_s4 - (_s4 mod 1));

_xCoordB = (_upperArray select (_s3-1));

if(_x == 1) then { _s4 = 9-_s4; };

if(_xCoordB == "Z") then { _s4 = 9-_s4; };

_xCoordS = (_lowerArray select _s4);

_s1 = -9520;

_s2 = -7520;

_s3 = 0;

while { (_yLeft >= _s1) } do


if (_yLeft < _s2) then


if (_yLeft < 0) then


_yLeft = _yLeft + (_s3 * 2000);

_yLeft = _yLeft * -1;




_yLeft = _yLeft - ((_s3-5) * 2000);



_s1 = _s1 + 2000;

_s2 = _s2 + 2000;

_s3 = _s3 + 1;


_s4 = ((_yLeft-80) / 200);

_yCoordS = (_numbersArray select (_s4 - (_s4 mod 1)));

_yCoordB = (_numberArray select (_s3-1));

_coord = format ["%1%2%3%4",_xCoordB,_xCoordS,_yCoordB,_yCoordS];


Good luck.



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