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Blackhawk speed question?

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I have a mission a black hawk full of guys are flying over a town just flying cover support. Now I want to the blackhawk no matter what to fly slow over the city and the only way to do this is to make waypoint that has limited speed and careless. But the thing is when the black hawk gets shot down the guys just stnad there carless and get shot at. But when every but when i change to move limited and no change one that balkhawk hears the first shot he takes off and never comes back. Is there a way to make it so he does fly slow but when he gets shot down the guys fight back.I did try groupOne setSpeedMode "LIMITED", but does not help.Thanks

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so the soldiers riding in the blackhawk are in the same group as the blackhawk itself?

if this is the case then I suggest making them into a separate group then simply giving them separate orders to the blackhawk group. That way you should be able to change their mode and not affect the way the chopper behaves.

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I will give it a shot, Thanks for the help.

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Hey there : Reason the loons won't fight back is, obviously, because they are in Careless mode : one easy way to fix it is to track the status of the chopper and when it's shot down (say, have a trigger that activates on getDamage BlackHawk1 > 0.8 or so, maybe some other things like isEngineon or whatever - lots of options there) with an On Activation field that states something to the effect of BlackHawk1 setbehaviour "combat" (of course, this is better if you're using groups, group names, the leader command etc to make sure you're not giving a dead person orders).

Another solution could be to ditch the Careless behaviour, and try this command : limitSpeed

Don't know if this works regardless of wether the unit is being shot upon or not (haven't tested), but might be worth a shot!

Good luck anyway.



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Change their behaviour if they leave the blackhawk, it's as easy as that, don't try to complicate it.

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Limitspeed does NOT work on helicopters which is disappointing,

the chopper AI always was annoying, so slow advances with terrain cover for anti-tank apache missions came closer with the introduction of this command, but as far as i have tested it on choppers it had no effect.

I have even tried it in the config (with OFP), but if you set the maxspeed to let's say 10 then the whole flight behaviour fucks up and the chopper will turn into a vertical upright position and crash, as he seemingly tries to correct the for the inhibited agility.

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