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Turning off grass in Coop MP

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I run my PC as the host for coop for myself and a few friends. I have the grass turned off (terrain detail very low) in my options and this is fine in all SP missions and the campaign. However when I host a game online for us the grass is still there. I want it off as I get an average of 20 fps extra and it would also give us a chance against the AI which seems to be able to spot me prone 200m away in grass and through bushes ect.

Is it possible to do this ?



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Yes, but you have to edit the mission.

Inside the init.sqs you have to add this..

setterraingrid 50

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Isn't there a setting for the server to disable grass in every map?

I suspect it's:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">terrainGrid=50.000000;

but I'm not sure since I don't have a server at hand.

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So, can anyone confirm what the no grass server command is?

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That isnt the command parameter for "grass off". I think its the parameter for the LOD. Try "lawnmower=1" instead  tounge2.gif

I dont think this will be solved in the next Patch. Maybe they were a bit rash to tell this and dont have a solution yet ( or never ). At least i am able to play on a 50+ player server with minor performance hits.

Looking foreward to 1.06, especially to the fog thingie.

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That isnt the command parameter for "grass off". I think its the parameter for the LOD. Try "lawnmower=1" instead tounge2.gif

Well, that parameter also means "terrain very low" which disables grass for the regular user. I'm just wondering if it works like that for servers.

Still, wasn't it an advertised feature that you can choose if the server has grass turned on or off? I would really love to know the command for that because there are lots of players that are running a slide show with all that grass. At least my fps suffers some 20 frames with grass on.

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Apart from setTerrainGrid, nothing that I know off. You need to put setTerrainGrid higher in every mission

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Isn't there a setting for the server to disable grass in every map?

I suspect it's:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">terrainGrid=50.000000;

but I'm not sure since I don't have a server at hand.

This should be the server setting which would turn off grass in multiplayer for every client too. However it doesn't seem to work yet, at least this is my experience. Now the only option is to include "setterraingrid 50" in every init.sqs for every mission.

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