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Internet Script Errors while tring to launch game

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What I have done so far:

- Reinstall the game into the default path C:/Program Files/...

- Reinstall Java Run Time

- Reinstall Internet Explorer 7.0 (I am a firefox person, so my IE is very old, that is why I have to reinstall IE 7.0 hoping the old version of IE was the problem)

- Set Internet security options to enable all scripts/ActivX

- Accept all cookies

- Reinstalled Windows XP SP2

After 5 days (2 weekend days and 3 business days) without a single response from Softwrap/Sprocket/IDEA, I am now calling my credit card company to refuse payment for the purchase.

I will also ask my friends who are attempting to try this game to hold for now. Until the game can be installed and launched to at least loading screen, I would consider this game to be still in BETA condition and not worth the money.

Guess will see you guys all later.


I have tried everything I can. I reinstalled IE 7.0, and turned on all ActiveX and PlugIn, set the security level to lowest. However, I am still getting the same screen and error.

How did everyone else who purchased the English version get past this stage? I am curious. Or, should I just reinstall the game? I did not see any error during the download and install process though.

I am eager to play this game, but seems no Customer Support during the weekend. So maybe next week. Sigh.


I just bought and downloaded the English version from Sprocket.com today. I installed it with no problems. However, when I try to launch the game, I get Internet Script Errors all over the place.

Does anyone know how to get around it?


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I have searched through the 16-page thread, and no one seems to have the problem I am having. It might be something really obviously I missed I am hoping.

I have reinstalled my Internet Explorer 7.0 and still I am having the problem.

Did anyone else have this problem?

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Anyone can help? The game has been sitting there but I cannot play... Maybe have to wait after the weekends? This sucks...

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Hey cyclone, I'm having the same problem here. It's frustrating to say the least. My guess is 1) antivirus program is blocking something, so the page is not loading properly. 2) Internet explorer setting is not properly configured to load the page. 3) it's not a working web page in the first place In any case, I was doing some search myself. http://support.microsoft.com/kb/308260 This gives some options to solve some script errors, I haven't tried them yet. The weird thing is I can install and run the downloaded version(Czech v.1.02) just fine. The problem occurs after I apply the 1.05 patch. So, let me know if you have better luck. I will post again if I get lucky.

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I've sent email to SoftWrap support regarding the issue. Hopefully, they can provide some answers.

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I got an email form someone in BI, but the suggestion is not helpful - maybe a problem with version of IE or security / privacy settings of IE.

I have tried everything with IE, including reinstalling IE7 and setting everything to lowest security, open to all ActiveX and plug-in. Still the same thing.

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I haven't had much luck either. I've tried changing various browser settings, but that doesn't seem to help. SoftWrap would be the best bet in helping to resolve this problem since it's their service. I don't mind waiting for a couple more days to get help, it's just that I'm not sure if they can.

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Ahhh!! I have a very similar problem. I just downloaded ArmA 1.05 English and have installed it and done everything perfectly. When I click the "Arma.exe" icon, it takes me to the softwrap activation screen you are having problems with. I put my code and name in and hit "NEXT". Hitting the button does NOTHING. I get no script errors or anything and have disabled my virus protection and lowered all internet explorer 7 security.... THE NEXT BUTTON DOES NOTHING!! I can click it a billion times, what's up with the freaking button? Sorry for the aggravation... tounge2.gif but seriously... pistols.gif

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No response from Sprocket yet. Today is Monday already? Please someone push them for a solution for us. Thanks!

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For the love of god, can I see the game loading screen after paying 40+ bucks and waiting for 3 days?

Isn't today Monday - well, 80% of Monday is gone already, so when will someone come to work to address these issues?

Or at least an ETA?

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You don't even post your system specs.

Do you think people can rub a crystal sphere and know your problem ?

I bet this is some sort Script blocking security software... Norton Internet security .. something like that.

*EDIT* Try installing Firefox and set it as standard browser. Just a guess. And whatever security tools you are running .. deactivate them.

P.S. Before *I* had started to write support emails and wait a couple days, and whine about it, I would have installed Windows from the scratch .. but that's just me ..

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What have you tried so far?

I noticed you have the game installed in your E: drive, you wouldnt be the first guy to fix a game launch problem by reinstalling the game in your main windows directory ( C: )? Where explorer is...

smile_o.gif .

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You don't even post your system specs.

Do you think people can rub a crystal sphere and know your problem ?

I bet this is some sort Script blocking security software... Norton Internet security .. something like that.

*EDIT* Try installing Firefox and set it as standard browser. Just a guess. And whatever security tools you are running .. deactivate them.

P.S. Before *I* had started to write support emails and wait a couple days, and whine about it, I would have installed Windows from the scratch .. but that's just me ..

I will be very glad to have a customer like you in my business - can bent all over yourself to solve a problem that is not well documented and not supported. So, a loyal customer? very.

Usually people in the U.S. would run to BestBuy and grab the game, expecting to play it within a hour or so. If it does not work out of the box, people usually drive back and return it. If I can afford the waiting, I will go amazon.com.

BTW, I dont have any anti-virus software on my PC. As a programmer myself, I clearly know it is not related to any hardware issue, but rather a security, or webpage script coding issue.

I have exhausted all security settings in my browser (firefox is my default broswer, but I think Arma.exe is launching IE anyway), so I am leaning more towards issues in coding of the webpage itself.

I hope you keep being a patient person as you are now - waiting for a couple days for a long-waited game (3 years) after installed but could not play. I have waited 3 days, and keep going. The complain is mainly for no response during the 3 days - it is worst if you are willing to wait, but there is no sign of anybody working on it, meaning indefinite waiting.

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What have you tried so far?

I noticed you have the game installed in your E: drive, you wouldnt be the first guy to fix a game launch problem by reinstalling the game in your main windows directory ( C: )? Where explorer is...

smile_o.gif .

Thanks for the tip. This might be it. I will try after work today.

Now I remember the installation of Resistance over the original OFP has similar issue - it must be within the same folder of original OFP. I always like to give a seperate folder to each game, and keep games in a seprate drive.

If what you suggested is indeed the issue, I highly recommend either BIS or Softwrap/Sprocket do something to either force the game to be installed in the Windows system program directory, or make that webpage dynamically recongnize the installation location.

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I have been using Firefox for about 3 years and it has always been my default browser.

However, ArmA.exe launches IE anyway, forced. For that reason, I installed IE7 hoping to fix the issue since the IE on my machine is very old (never used it). Still, same error.

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It's getting ridiculous. No customer support from Sofrwrap for how many days from how many people. I've paid for the game that I can't even play. At least any response from the support would've been nice. Just so we know where there at.

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Same feeling here.

I just send out a dispute to my credit card company for the purchase of this game - it is under "defective product without merchant reponse" category.

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DAY 7.

I finally got an response, but I think the guy has no clue what is going on:

Quote[/b] ]

Hello xxxxx,

The problem you have described seems to be caused by an error during file transfer. Could you please verify the MD5 checksum for the file you have downloaded?

The correct value is:


For more information about MD5 and generating this checksum, you can visit for example http://www.pc-tools.net/win32/md5sums/

We apologize for your inconvenience and hope we will be able to fix this issue in a timely manner allowing you to enjoy your gaming experience.


Andrew Bartik

Sprocket Customer Support

Here is my response to it:

Quote[/b] ]

Seriously, I don't think you know what is going on... you are just

trying these unrelated issues.

I did check the MD5 of the install file I downloaded anyway. Here is the result:

C:\Documents and Settings\xxxxxx\Desktop>md5sums ArmaENG.exe

MD5sums 1.2 freeware for Win9x/ME/NT/2000/XP+

Copyright © 2001-2005 Jem Berkes - http://www.pc-tools.net/

Type md5sums -h for help

[Path] / filename MD5 sum


[C:\Documents and Settings\xxxxxx\Desktop\]

ArmaENG.exe 100% 1641d3430068e621c6a95447d768905d

So you can see my install file is NOT corrupt.

Now I hope you can get to the key point of my issue: your activation

webpage. I think the webpage itself needs to be rewritten so that it

does not cause Internet Explorer Scripts errors.

This is day 7 after my purchase. I still have no way to play the game.

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I second that cyclone! Why not just modify the webpage so that it doesn't have to load something with script. It shouldn't be THAT hard I don't think. Especially with their "dedicated" technical support team. Right now, I've given up trying to go through the activation. I'm just hoping Softwrap will resolve the problem or BI will come up with some sort of answer. When worst comes to worst, I'll buy a DVD version when it comes out and get really mad sad_o.gif

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