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Camera.sqs don't work second time trying to copy.

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Pressing CTRL in ArmA saves a camera position sure... but when you hit CTRL again in game and try to paste.. the old camera is pasted.. not the new one... what can I do?

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You have to "hold" ctrl and press the left Mouse button than it will be copyed to the clipboard and then you can past it in your Script by "holding" ctr and press "V"

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Alright. Say I try this when Morphicon emails me to allow me to reactivate my game...

Say I do this. What do I need to make the camera.sqs script work?

Do I need any sort of information above or below the lines of text generated from the CTRL + Paste Function?

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That link (above) only has links for:

Photography, Action Shots, Improving Screenshots, and Creating a PBO.. Nothing about camera scripting...

Ah, holding CTRL + LF Click. Copys, alright.. Cool. Now how can I set time signatures for the length of the camera, etc? How can I make a camera change? Whats a short (good) example via arma that a camera script would work? In other words, what do I put above and below:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">;=== 13:14:22 -- First Dialog

_camera camPrepareTarget [94759.27,-42256.14,2659.63]

_camera camPreparePos [9561.16,10040.43,0.68]

_camera camPrepareFOV 0.173

_camera camCommitPrepared 0

@camCommitted _camera

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