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A Few Questions

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1. How do you install addons in ArmA, everything seems to be these .pbo files but I'm not sure where to put them with in the folder structure of ArmA. I tried placing one in the "AddOns" folder but then ArmA wouldn't start.

2. Will addons appear online or will I need to remove them if I want to play Multiplayer.

3. I've seen some players with some pretty cool camouflage Faces and well basically where can I get them wink_o.gif .

4. Can you guys give me a list of the best download sites.

Thanks for any and all help smile_o.gif .

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This question is for "Addons/Mods Discussion". wink_o.gif

You have to put the addons in the addonsfolder of ArmA. Days ago, i got the same problem, ArmA don't start after using addons. I deinstalled ArmA and installed it new, then i got no more probs. Don't forget to install the newest Patch V1.5, where you can find at

here on Armed Assault.com

If you wanna play Multiplayer, you don't have to remove the addons. You only must have the right addons, that where used by any mission in MP. wink_o.gif

You can get a lot of Addons and missions at BIS.4players.de

And also Armaholic.com have a big Archiv of addons and missions.

Hope this helps you smile_o.gif

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