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Brazilian Army soldier retexture

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Hi guys, since the beginning, I´ve tried to make a Brazilian Army mod and was never abble to achieve it, for several reasons.

As I´m already a little bit familiar with the modeling and texturing process, I´m almost a moron concerning the Config.files and enherit properties and classes from another units and this kind of things.

well Arma gave us, Ofp fans, new horizons and I thought that thats a good moment to try to achieve that.

Well, I unpeboed the characters.pbo fle, found the textures for the soldier i´d like to retex (bluefor riflemem), edited the texture as i wanted keeping the same name size (for hex edition on the .pd3 file) than I copied the "enherit lines" in the Cfg Files from the Norwegian Soldier (NO_jeger) replacing the names of texture and model files names for those made my me.

Well as I don´t know very much about this, as soon as I open Arma, with my addon on Arma/addon folder, the game crash before the splash screen is shown.

Can anyone help me with these with a clear explanation for this config process or mybe correct what I made wrong in my stand-alone addon?

Sorry about writing so much in so bad english

Thanks in advance


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Have you managed to work out if it's your textures or

something in the config (can you "reconfig" a standard BIS

model, for example, without changing its textures to make it

appear in the editor menus as a Brazilian soldier)? I looked at

your config but it seems OK to me from a quick look. I'd like

to help more but I'm only starting myself to discover how all

this works in ArmA now.

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Thanks for the answer mate, I did some more tests; opened some SWAT units (sorry can´t remember autor) and just change the texture path, to mine´s and pboed it again. I did the same with the previous mentioned NORwegian soldiers.

When i put the units into the editor and hit preview this happened:

with swat units:

Crashed to desktop, no special message received.

with Norwegian soldiers:

CTD but with a low memory crash.

Both addons work fine with their original textures.

I know for sure that I kept the resolution of my textures, the same of the originals, do we have to use any other specific "configuration" when saving the textures?

I do use photoshop cs with kegetys paa plugin. To change texture paths I´m using P3D Texture Swap Utility v1.0.2.

Does anybody has any clue?

Maybe any good soul ´d like to help me trying to apply my body texture in any working addon just to check if the problem is really with the texture?

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