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we should introduce some metabugs. A metabug is the parent of some other tiny issues.

A good example is shown here:


How to adapt that for ArmA?

We could make a meta bug called "AI Pathfinding".  All other issues about that problem (in missions,places, etc) in some way, would be childs of this bug.

This would make it easier to track all things.



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Mantis isn't deep enough to do proper meta-bugs, what you're really after would best be handled by well-organized custom fields.

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Mantis isn't deep enough to do proper meta-bugs, what you're really after would best be handled by well-organized custom fields.

I've made one now:


I like it, because mantis tells you "Not all the children of this issue are yet resolved or closed." and you have some kind of overview over the CTD-issues.

How should those custom fields look like?

A checkbox "CTD occured?"



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I don't know if the meta-bugs make any sense for us as reporters/users.

We already have categories and severity options to classify bugs, but to judge whether certain behaviours are child-issues of other meta-bugs is really only a decision the developers can make.

Just because something causes the game to crash, that doesn't mean that these issues are all related to one another (most likely they will not be), so what's the point of grouping them together?

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For me metabugs as I have seen them used so far do not add any new information. There is already "crash" category for CTD, which works fine, get its stats in overviews.

I think trying to maintain them is not worth the hassle, however if you want do it, I will not object, it does not do any harm.

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Ok .. maybe CTD is not a good example, because we could use severity "crash".

It's correct, that only the programmer could know, if two issues (e.g. AI Pathfinding) descend from the same source problem.

It was just a suggestion to group some issues aside from the category or across some categories. I could help to avoid double entries. When you make this kind of things "sticky", they are shown before all other bugs about this.



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