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Moving lips/mouth?

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Hi all, i had a question about the moving lip thing. Im trying to record my voice or use other vocal to make the arma chracter move its lips. Now, i went through hell trying to get it to work for ofp and finally i did. But now with arma, i read from one of the arma sites that no such things are needed for arma which were used to get it to work for ofp. So no wav2lip program? no converting sounds to ogg and with a  specific mono setting or whatnot?

cause ive asked the question on another arma fan site and the only guy who replied said that those things are not needed and now for arma u can do it somehow with scripts. Could someone please elaborate on that a little more or if i may ask as detailed as possible, what kind of script? do i need any special setting to record sound or does the sound itself has to have a certain setting, where do i put the sound and the script? maybe someone has a visual example? could some help plz? (incase the procedure is different than the one used for ofp) THanks.

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But it's an OFP sound lab.. I need ARMA. My question though was if the same procedure is needed to make lips move as the one used for ofp or is there a diffferent program /way to do it for arma? Someone please help determine how to make lips move in arma for sure.? same way as ofp or what? everyone says something different. any help, tips, visual examples are highly appreciated. Thanks

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It´s till the old method.

You have to create lip files from your soundfiles give tehm the same name, put them into the same directory and define the sounds in description.ext as it was in OFP.

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Ok, ive tried to ask on other sites and i keep getting different answers. Some ppl tell me to make lips move, its not the same procedure as ofp and this time theres something needed to do with the scripts. But then i dont understand how do i deal with the sounds i record. What exactly do i do?

Others say its just the same way as ofp and offer me OFP studio which seems to work same as wav2lip (converting files to ogg and lip) but ive tried it and nothing works. I make ogg and lip files of same name from a wav of certain sound specification. I make a description.ext text file and put the needed sound code in there with the name of my needed sound. I make a sound folder and put it in the folder with the mission im trying to work with. And i tried different combinations of putting sound folder or description.ext in differnt places and the editor keeps telling me the sound is not found.

Could someone PLEASE!!! post a detailed step by step exaplanation of what has to be done! Is my approach wrong?  Am i missing some steps? Is it same procedure as OFP or something else? Where do i make the sound folder? My documents/arma other profiles/name/missions  or /user missions? (either way i tried em both so im doing something wrong). And where exactly does the decription.ext go? In sound folder or mission folder? (tried em both, sound still not found..) What has to be typed in and where? On activation  - soldiername say "sound"? like that?

So someone who TESTED or knows for sure how the lip moving thing works FOR ARMA please HELP!!!

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See my post here:


As for the location of the files, your description.ext would go somewhere like this

C:\Documents and Settings\Nigel\My Documents\ArmA Other Profiles\Nigel\missions\Convoy.Sara

Now you can also put your audio files in that folder. however one audio file would not work in that folder and I could only get it working by putting it in a subdirectory.

As along as the LIP file and the OGG file are in the same directory the lip sync should work.

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It works perfectly as long as you follow the directions.

Key points:

16bit mono sound file in wav format

Use wav2lip program on wav file to generate lip file.

Convert wav file to .ogg

Define in description.ext

Place .ogg and .lip file of exact same name same dir as reference in desc.ext

tested last night worked great.

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thanks for what seems to be a detailed explanation but i did all u said and it still dont work. If you dont mind im going to lay out the procedure step by step as i do and please SOMEONE correct me where im doing something wrong or not doing enough. (whats strange is i did get it to work back in OFP times and since for arma its the same procedure i dnt see why this dnt work, i think im missing a step or there is some new thing that has to be done with arma)

Ok so 1st i record a wav file, its 16 bit mono PCM 48.000 kHZ (ive tried all available kHZ and it still dont work so i dnt think theres a problem here) and i call it - sample1

Then i put that wav in wav2lip and i get sample1.lip, then i convert wav to ogg with a program with which i successfully done the moving lip thing in ofp before (dbpoweramp converter). ok so i now i have sample1.lip and sample1.ogg.

Then i open notepad and put the following in -

class CfgSounds


sounds[] =




class sample1


name = "sample1";

sound[] = {"\sample1.ogg", db-35, 1.0};

titles[] = { };



Then i save this file as - description.ext

Before or after all the above i got to mission editor and put 2 soldiers on map, 1 is me the player, other is a guy next to me. i save the map and call it wavtst. then i got to C:\Documents and Settings\Myname\My Documents\ArmA Other Profiles\MeTaLL\missions\wavtst.Sara and put the description.ext and the lip and ogg file of same name in that folder.

Then i go to mission editor again, load my saved map, click on the soldier next to me and name him - tom, then click waypoint and order him to move to me and in on activation field i type - tom say "sample1". (in ofp as i remember i did, u would go to effects and click on voice sounds and the name of my sound would be in there but that still hasnt happened to me once in arma, i dnt know if thats neccesary or supposed to happen in arma). so not having found the sound in voice section of effects i click preview and soldier moves to me and just when he reaches the waypoint it says - sound sample1 not found. or if i make a trigger and in on activaation field type tom say "sample1" and then make a waypoint for soldier to enter the trigger, nothing happens. and my sound doesnt appear in effects voice directory of trigger either.

Im sorry for a long text but ive been busy with this for days and asked on many sites many people. SOMEONE PLEASE tell me if u can what im doing wrong or am i not doing something? Thanks.

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nope just tried it, thats not it... besides, the / is there in the examples of description.ext that i saw other ppl gave and its in arma bis wiki...but thanks. anyone else knows?

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bah, im getting old... will have a route around my example folders when im back from University.

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Have you tried to create a subfolder sound or sounds in your mission and sound[] = {"sample1.ogg", db-35, 1.0}; in your description?

EDIT: Description.ext remains in the mission root, .lip and .ogg belong to the sound subfolder.

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yes i did, i tried making sound folder in my mission folder with lip and ogg in sound folder and description.ext in the mission folder and the same with sounds folder. and like its said above your example of descr.exe thing is missing a \ before the ogg file which has to be there according to many people and the arma wiki. either way i tried that too. SOMEBODY PLEASE!! banghead.gif

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Thanks all, got it sorted. Only my lip moving sound plays twice, anyone know how to fix that? tounge2.gif

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