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The showWaypoint command HELP!

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Can anyone explain to me how this is used?

I don't get the [grp, #] part. As I understand it, this specifies which group it is and which waypoint to alter.

But I keep getting "Type Object, Expected group".

What I wanna do is, with a trigger, when an area is clear of enemy, then show a certain waypoint and hide the one currently displayed.  Pleeease! Help!

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Uhm. I don't think you'll need ShowWaypoint for that. Better would be to simply have the latest waypoint (say a Move waypoint with a text in the Description field of it like "Destroy all enemies"), synchronized with something like a OPFOR Not Present trigger ; once the trigger is activated, the next waypoint will be shown. Easy as pie.

More complicated possibilities (like say many possible waypoint paths) might require moving of waypoints and such.

As to actual usage of the [grp, index] function : have you actually specified the group name too (by writing groupname = group this in the init field of one of the group members)?

Good luck anyway, and do ask if you need any more specific help.



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You have to state the commandline you have used for anyone to find the problem.

I assume you use a soldier instead of the group as the first element of the waypoint array.


<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

... [group MYSOLDIER, 0] ...



... [MYGROUP, 0] ...

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Thanks alot! I'm brand new to scripting so I don't know how to do most things, even the easiest ones. The wiki is some help but quite cryptic for me hehe

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Ok I got that working. Easy. Thanks. Now how do I make a trigger activate only if another certain trigger has been activated?

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Hm. In what context? Anyway -> say you have two Not Present triggers, and once both are complete you'd get to continue on your waypoint. Simply write in the activation field of the one NOT synchronized with the waypoint something like "Obj1 = true" (or anything else, like AllEnemiesHereAreNowKilled = true. No quotes, of course), and then in the synchronized one write, in the Condition field : this AND obj1

And that should work. I answered a question about multiple objectives earlier in this forum, and if you're really going nitty-gritty I'd suggest ofpec, since questions are easily drowned and forgotten over here.

Good luck!



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Thanks again! I'll give that a try. I'm having a hard time understanding the scripting and editing "way" of ArmA. I didn't script anything in OFP either. I found I am too n00bish for many turorials even. So I'm a bit sorry for spamming the forum with noob questions.

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smile_o.gif yeah, understanding the scripting part of OFP/ArmA might take a while, but once you got it it is very rewarding. My suggestion is not to be too ambitious at first. If you have a plan, build up the script code snippet by code snippet and keep testing it. If you run into trouble, try to find the cause and a way around it. Try, try and try again. Good luck!

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Thanks! I have to say I am amazed by the attitude people in here have. Everyone is SO helpful and nice. Like we are one big team of mission-makers each working on our own projects.

I like it!  yay.gif  thumbs-up.gif  And I notworthy.gif to everyone in here!

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