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No Names in editor

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I newly bought a copy of Armed Assault from Tradition and i fired it up, it works better than ofp i used to play but i'm dissapointed about a bug. I cannot seem to see any unit names in the editor insertion window, anyone know a solution for this?, someone more than i should have been through this...

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can you enlighten us about your problem with a screenshot?


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That looks like you have installed an addon that over-defines

all soldier display names or messes up the GUI dropwdown listbox classes. Have you installed any 3rd party addons?

If not, i would talk to the retailer/BIS about it or wait maybe someone else can tell you what s wrong.

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Could this be a problem with the translations? Try switching into another language like English and see what happens. I assume you have the 505 release 1.04.5121 where this is possible if I recall correctly.

If you have installed addons then of course remove them first and see if it helps.


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I guess he's using German addon units and the addon creator hasn't provided french translation names for it.

(whole editor is french, but Grade(Rank) is "Soldat" which is German for "soldier") tounge2.gif

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)rStrangelove @ Feb. 27 2007,15:44)]I guess he's using German addon units and the addon creator hasn't provided french translation names for it.

(whole editor is french, but Grade(Rank) is "Soldat" which is German for "soldier")   tounge2.gif

'Soldat' is also French for soldier.

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Hmm, that's bizarre. Can you place any of these invisible units, and if and when you do place them, does it display anything when you mouse over them?

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I can place all units but there is no class name when i put my mouse over them, i also noticed that in play i cannot see weapon names, all weapons are labeled "weapon". So to have a tank going after you and you carry a sidearm, rifle and a bazooka things can get pretty messy.

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