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Removing objects from the map

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I would've bet that I was able to do this before, but for some reason I don't seem to be able to move island items anymore.

I am able to get hold of the object (via nearestObject or something similar), and I can, for example, destroy it with a "setDamage" command), but I am not able to move it around.

Ideally, I'd like to remove some items altogether, but since deleteVehicle only works with user-placed items, I guess the best I can do is to move it out of the way.

Has something changed, or have I just lost my mind?

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losing ya mind smile_o.gif.

visitor placed objects have always been unmovable ,except for names and small details in the island config in the config.

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I recall in very early history of OFP it was possible to delete objects which were determined in the wrp file but it was prevented in a patch? I'd call it a good thing, maybe people would then have too easy time cheating or something.

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Actually, it invoked a bug where the objects would stay removed until the island was reloaded.

That's why it was prevented from happening. Much to the detriment of mission designers everywhere.


Can't believe that I revived a dead thread just now....

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