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CG Man

Sniper - Medic script  how?

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Anyone got a script to give the sniper man same functions as a medic?

I'm creating a special forces squad using the body of a sniper for each, got it all nailed apart from the medic. Also while I was at it found out the Javalins dont do anything.

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Javalins aren't finished in ArmA, maybe in the future.

Not sure about the medic gezza, as far as i know its all done with configs which means you have to change the pbo's contents etc.

However, maybe give each SF guy a "medic kit" to allow them to heal themselves:

Name each person you want it to work on a name, in this case, I've used "man1". Unfortunatly you'll have to create multiple scripts for each unit. Bearing in mind theres probably a better way to do it than how I'm telling you.

On man1 then put in his init field:

man1 addaction ["Use Med Kit","medkit1.sqs"]

Medkit1.sqs being the file you saved the below into. (Open notepad, save as all file types as medkit1.sqs)

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

man1 switchmove "AinvPknlMstpSlayWrflDnon_medic"


man1 setdammage 0

hint "MedKit used"

man1 RemoveAction 0


I haven't tested it, but try it out.

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If you really want that and can edit configs then just

make an addon and define the sniper class like:

class SoldierWSniper ;

class YOURSNIPER : SoldierWSniper {

attendant = true;


That will make him a sniper/medic.


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