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Demo question

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In one thread, someone suggested using the demo as a single player mission by playing coop by oneself, which is what I've been doing. I'm getting slaughtered.

I've tried sneak/flanking the town from either side in various formations, I've tried staying put, sniping a few guys and letting them come to me, I've tried loading all my guys into the armored vehicles and storming around the town to take out the periphery, and though I've played and finished OFP with relative ease, these enemies in AA seem superhuman (I learned pretty fast that vegetation offers zero cover from the AI).

My question is, has anyone managed, by themselves, to take out everyone in the town with their 7 AI squadmates in coop mode in the demo? Am I crazy to try to do this alone or do I need some serious training?

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It is possible with only you and your AI team mates. The tactics I noticed to be effective at least for my style of play: give your team the sniper rifles plus the heavy machine guns, and pistols. AT launcher is not necessary but if you like it, take it. You can quite easily take out a BRDM with only the heavy machine gun, just shoot at a tyre a couple of seconds and the crew jumps out (make sure you are positioned so that the BRDM is unlikely to fire back). Also I noticed that it can be quite effective to arrange your team into line formation, relatively far away from the enemy like 300 meters. Give all team members targets and let them have some time to target. Then give permission to fire. Retreat quickly to a safe position when the targets have been taken down. This is effective and safe, but slow. If you want to keep your whole team alive to the end, you should avoid going into the town for as long as possible, that's where your team gets wiped out if anywhere.

In multiplayer I have experienced victory many times already, even twice in a row which was quite amusing even with a low-numbered team. Good communication in the team is essential in multiplayer. Tell others what you are doing, warn them if you are going to advance into the town well before the rest of team, ask for permission from team leader for your actions, etc. etc.

In single player one trick you can try is to have a look at the file My Documents/Arma Demo/armausername.armaprofile. I'm sure you will find something to edit in that file if you want to affect how good the enemy is.

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Thanks for the tips! I'll definitely try it your way.

No way I'm editing files though...I wanna kill those buggers fair and square wink_o.gif

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I can do the demo co-op and only lose one person

heres how i do it... (generally)

First set your team to HOLD FIRE and take your time deploying your troops, this allows the enemy ai to deploy and will give you a good idea on which to target.

1. I deploy 2 x SAW gunners in cover on the hill NW of where u spawn (approx 50m from spawn) and get them 2 target the soldiers W of the town (where the tents / camp is)

2. If a BDRM stays in the above location i also deploy a LAW soldier and get him to target the BDRM

3 I then deploy 2 Silenced M4 soldiers in the depression between the NW Hill and the hill that overlooks the town due N of the spawn point (these will smoke any ai that are trying to engage your SAW gunners on either side (see step 4) )

4 I then deploy 2X SAW soldiers on the hill due N of spawn (approx 20m from spawn)  and get them to target the enemy squad on the hill in between u and the town

5 I finally deploy a sniper on the same hill but further E (roughly where the perimeter wall breaks down by the house Nr spawn) This sniper covers N to E

6. Once everyone of my AI has returned READY TO FIRE i give the order to open fire

7. Everyone will open up on their designated targets and wipe out on average 10 enemy in the first 2/3 mins (including a BDRM if it stays W of the town)

Now the AI's instict is to flank you and they will try to launch a counter attack on your E and W flanks and head on (N). If you've positioned your troops correctly you can cut the enemy ai down as they try to do this.  (as you have the cover and high ground)

Basically sit tight and shoot anything that moves!

Make sure you keep a LAW ready as a BDRM will move out of the town at some point

Ounce youve smoked the BDRM leave your AI in position and move in by yourself to clear the town. there will be on avg 5 AI left camping but im not gonna tell you where they are cuz it will spoil the fun wink_o.gif

Dont take your AI in ,they'll all get slaughtered following each other round the same corner into fire lol

use RGO nades / RPGs on dead AI to clear out the remaining AI there plenty of em about!

Hope that helps

P.S Cover does hide you from AI

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Excellent. I'll cut and paste both your replies into a text file for easy reference.

I'll consider this thread to be my boot-camp for when I get the full version...I don't want to join anyone's server and embarass myself/annoy my hosts, so I'll keep practicing until I can handle myself competently in the field.

If anyone has different tactics they want to share, by all means feel free. Very interesting stuff indeed.

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