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Safe mode broken?

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Anyone else notice what safe mode does to units that are patrolling an area that become aware of nearby combat/are attacked? Once the conflict is over, they never return to their plan, in fact, in my tests, most of the time, they are left stuck in combat mode, laying down, and never move again, till the mission ends (or their behaviour is re-set).

For my mission project have had to disable safe mode in numerous places because of this, I do believe in Ofp units in safe mode that encounter enemies will go into combat mode, but then would return to safe mode and resume their plan...

/edit - simple way to confirm this is to just throw in a group of west soldiers, make em do a cycling wp plan, safe mode on, and just walk up and fire off some rounds nearby till they drop to the ground, they never move again

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AI's behavour in safe (or any other behaviour) was always effected by setUnitPos in OFP, and since that's used a lot in the FSMs it's likely that it's causing a (another) problem.

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The whole fsm thing kinda scares me lol, dont know a whole lot about it, cept that it seems pretty darn bug ridden.

This is unfortunate, as Domove and MoveTo commands default setting units speedMode to normal(in my tests), regardless of settings previous, so unless a unit is in safe, they will run during those scripted move orders.


tried it on a tank, engaged an enemy bmp in safe, then resumed its course, maybe it is the setUnitPos in the fsm?

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Ed just curious, how are you placing a tank or any other type of vehicle in the map?

Do you just choose a side and place a tank or do you set an empty tank and then fill it with crew? Depending on your answer i will elaborate more.

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just putting in a vehicle in editor as default (west/east), pre-filled, but it works fine with vehicles, looks like safe mode is only broken for units

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Well, im not sure if you are aware that its not the same thing. There is several threads around that mention that, specially in multiplayer. I do suggest to conduct your experiments with this method:

Place the empty vehicle, move in driver and give him the highest rank. Link up the rest of the crew and make sure they are lower in rank than the driver.

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Tried you method, made 3 man group, moved driver in first(corporal), then gunner, commander, all in safe mode initally, then they engaged enemy bmp, then kept on their wp plan, get out, and still continued on foot. Dont think this safe mode issue is a problem with units in vehicles.

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there is thing i encoutered: If unit has no weapons and in safe mode. Then he's given weapon with "addweapon" command, result: Unit gets stuck. He is just standing there with weapon in his back. In combat mode he takes weapon from his back and keeps on going. I tested with civilians, i don't know about others.

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This may be caused by the same bug that causes tanks (actually, all armed vehicles) not to follow waypoints on dedicated servers.

Vehicle + Weapons + Moving seems to be a bit fishy in certain situations.

I haven't had time to investigate it further, but I would just wait for 1.04, and then give it another try.

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there is thing i encoutered: If unit has no weapons and in safe mode. Then he's given weapon with "addweapon" command, result: Unit gets stuck. He is just standing there with weapon in his back. In combat mode he takes weapon from his back and keeps on going. I tested with civilians, i don't know about others.

This sounds like another clash between behaviour and setunitpos, I'm starting to worry about the FSMs interupting editing, I'm hoping for a way to override them.  confused_o.gif

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