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bullet exit point, cant get it to work.

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Since I am faithful to the czech I used the following:

gunBeg = "usti hlavne";

gunEnd = "konec hlavne";

Put under the "turretclass", but the weapon still firing from "center of mass" straight forward and doesnt follow the points, my turret turns but the bullets keep exit infront of the vehicle.

The selection for the mem points seems correct.

Any suggestions?

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Mmmh, you've got a memory lod problem :

"usti hlavne" and "konec hlavne" vertices must be attached to the turret named selections, which are in czech :

"OtocHlaven" = Turn_Barrel (up and down)

"OtocVez" = Turn_Turret (around)

Just redefine these selections adding the two vertices.

If not, they won't "turn" or "move up and down", they are useless.

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oh this is for arma.. second time. Bis NEEDS to do somethign about this i think.. ofcourse many things same but so stupid when you ask something for arma and someone deliver a perfect good answer but for OFP..

thanks mate but not the problem. The model works fine in OFP.. smile_o.gif

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got that problem too, but haven't tried fixing it yet.

However, it I'm able to use the missile points and have them move with the turret, but not the "gun". huh.gif

I'll try it again later, perhaps I'm able to locate the problem.

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i tried making each of them their own animation, still didnt work. Part of the turret animation, didnt work. However it works to change the placement (like where the mgun is), but to make it follow the moves of the turret i havent got to work yet.

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