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Hi, i am posting on behalf of a mate. Basically, whenever he loads up armed assault, it crashes, leaving this error

He can get as far as beginning to load a game before it crashes, sometimes its before he can even access the server browser. Does anyone know why this happened and how to fix it?yup7ta.jpg

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Demo Troubleshooting Thread

Thread for help is there ^ This will be closed when a mod casts eyes on it wink_o.gif

That error is quite vague and common... Does he meet the requirements? Has he put -maxmem=xxxx in the command line by any chance? (If the maxmem is set too high expect these crashes regularly)

But post in the demo troubleshooting thread above

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The -maxmem=xxx command can be added onto the end of the command line when you right click on the properties of the ArmA shortcut... if your friend has done this and has put the value too high it can cause these crashes.. though with the crash happening so early its unlikely.

Ask your friend to give you his system spec, CPU, RAM + GFX card + maybe soundcard, post it here and i'll see if i can find any issues.

Also you could try opening your *yourplayername*.cfg file (in notepad) in My Documents/Armed Assault Demo/*yourPlayername*.cfg (or wherever your profiles are saved) and you can change the ingame settings via the config.

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Check for what? He should just use the troubleshooting thread and give us information such as the kind of computer and maybe the contents of the report file. Until then we're just groping at solutions to problems that may not exist!

That error message is a generic error message. Nothing can really be gleaned from it other than the fact that there was some kind of error- which you probably noticed anyways when the program stopped.

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