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Arma don't save game on network documents folder!

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hello, I have a problem - Arma dont save game to my documents folder!

This folder on network resource like a \\fileserver\mydocs.

It just create folder called ARMA and thats it!

Can I save my games to another folder or arma's game folder?

By the way, why default folder for savings are my documents?


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Try -profiles=users

This will save users in arma folder like in OFP.

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I tryed:

In campaigns menu I did't see any campaigns... smile_o.gif

I must to run game on this mode?

L:\ArmA\arma.exe -profiles=users

type it in shortcut?

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"My Documents" as a default is exactly the right choice, should've been already in OFP that way. All user-specific data should go there unless you want to change it to something else. It's about folder permissions and about multiple users sharing the same computer.

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that's all right with userpermissions - manualy I could copy files there, but Arma...

So my trouble isn't resolved yet... sad_o.gif

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I've seen this before as well, a long while back, figured out what it was and moved mydocs back from it's network location to a local share. Server was Gentoo/Samba, but shouldn't have made a difference imho. Might be a locks issue.

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