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Network code should be opimized!

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Well, Me and my brother are (at home) together behind a router and we share a DSL1000 connection (1000kbit/sec downstream and 192kbit/sec upstream) with fastpath activated. We never had problems with ping or bandwith when we playing together Games over that DSL-line, in addition through that fastpath usally(depens on game) we have pings below 40ms. biggrin_o.gif

In Armed Assault everything is different....

By the way: We are both legal buyers of that game and we love that game in MP, even if it seems to be in a alfa or beta stage whistle.gif ..hope that patch 1.03 is coming soon.


So when we both are playing together on the fastest Server here in germany (Armed-assault.de)

our ping is at start below 30ms, but when one of us moving fast, if "action is around him" or driving or flying with a vehicle (together or not) ping rises up to 600ms, and then playing is really not possible anymore.

Then if one of us stops moving or driving or flying or so and just stand there in a MP game (for example in starting position), ping falls slowly down until it reached the normal state of about 30-45ms. This has nothing todo with that Server i think, because it happends on ALL Servers we tested so far...

edit:and i forgot to say that desyncs are also rising with rising of the ping last time i had 5000+ desyncs after 1 hour of play.

This "behavior" of the game is always coming when we two play together - no matter if we are connected on the same server or on different ones.

This is really bad because we are coop players and the most time on same Servers....

I dont know what the reason is, probably the Game uses "to much" connections.....

Please fix this or optimize this in one of the next patches because if you do not, the game will be nearly useless for us.

Regards from germany, Christian

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I guess you are right and bandwidth prediction can go wrong in such situation. I am not sure if we are able to fix this on our side. You may try helping the estimation it with a line like:


Put this in your ArmA.cfg (in My Documents ArmA profile).

If this works, you may find this number may need to be slightly lower based on experimentation.

This way you can make sure none of you exhausts the full outgoing bandwidth (which is 192000) of the line.

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Thank you very much for your fast reply! I will try a bit your "fix" and then i will tell you the results.

Short question about this: should i do this on both PCs(me and my brother ones)?

Quote[/b] ]I am not sure if we are able to fix this on our side

Yes, maybe its a Problem with the Server-Software which is as far as i know in beta stage. For me its not important on which "side" it will be fixed, its only important that it will be fixed anyway.

regards, Christian

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Thank you very much for your fast reply! I will try a bit your "fix" and then i will tell you the results.

Short question about this: should i do this on both PCs(me and my brother ones)?

Yes, on both PCs.

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