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How to make a building stay when dammage=1

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Ok im trying to make buildings for a cti to not fall and disapear.  When the building is 100% dammage i would like it to smoke/flame.  Example

class Land_garaz_bez_tanku

Class Mfcti116westheavyfactory:Land_garaz_bez_tanku

{   side = Twest;

    Armor = 800;

    destrType="DestructBuilding";   <---MAYBE CHANGE THIS?


Or should I add new script maybe

{ init = heavyfactory.sqs;


and maybe make a script to where when buildings = 100% dammage makes it smoke/fire....?huh.gif? thanks for any help.   Rn and kaos are working together and we are almost done with mfcti.  About all we have left is this bug when buildings disapear after they are destoryed, kinda makes no use for workers.

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So far I got this.  This is set in the addon

class MFCTI116westBarracks:Land_budova1

{ side = TWest;




scope = 2;

class DestructionEffects {

class Light1 {

simulation = "light";

type = "ObjectDestructionLight";

position = "destructionEffect1";

intensity = 1;

interval = 1;

lifeTime = 1;


class Smoke1 {

simulation = "particles";

type = "ObjectDestructionSmoke";

position = "destructionEffect1";

intensity = 1;

interval = 1;

lifeTime = 2;


class Fire1 {

simulation = "particles";

type = "ObjectDestructionFire";

position = "destructionEffect1";

intensity = 1;

interval = 1;

lifeTime = 2;


class Sparks1 {

simulation = "particles";

type = "ObjectDestructionSparks";

position = "destructionEffect1";

intensity = 1;

interval = 1;

lifeTime = 2;




Here is a pic

But it does not work in multiplayer.  I was hosting and the other people couldnt see it.  Any way to change it for mp


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ive changed the destructiontype to destructtent for my buildings in crcti.

Its not looking the best but it works. smile_o.gif

Btw it seems that the destructioneffects are only local.

But im not sure.

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