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I want an MH-6 'Little Bird' !!! :-)

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After seeing Blackhawk Down - I'd LOVE to see BIS/Codemasters put in an MH-6 'Little Bird',

***********AND ***********

have those external seats for 2 soldiers on each side.

Also we could use some buildings with FLAT roof-tops, so that we could land the helos on the buildings, and immediately deploy the 4 soldiers (or snipers, or spec ops, or who-ever) onto the rooftops of the buildings, like they did in Blackhawk Down.


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Well let's see here... I'm up for the MH-6, but if I'm thinking about anything that's not the ground, I really don't want my soldiers falling through roofs. wink.gif

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Would be great to be inserted into a hot landing zone sitting on the side of an MH-6.

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MH-6 "Little Bird" Would be a great thing for OFP. There are normally 3 seats on each side of the chopper. They are mostly used for Navy Seals and Delta Force Troops. They are used by the 160th SOAR division. It is mostly a special operation hewy. SO i think it would be a great thing. Plus its a great helicopter and its great at doing tricks. So it should be something that BIS should make. This is a great topic biggrin.gif

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I'd love to see the MH-6 in the game. Should have been there instead of the OH-58. The AH-6 would be nice for CAS too.

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You could always have two versions, like the UH-60 in the game.

I'd LOVE to see two wing mounted miniguns that the pilot could fire (NOT the gunner). It would make strafing runs effective and USEFUL against enemy infantry.

Hehe, so what would the gunner do? I'd love to have him be pilot #2 (wishful thinking here, I know), as I'm sure that the pilot of those helos would die on a regular basis (not much in the way of armor), having a second person to take the controls would be great. Maybe even an option to switch the controls to the right seat and back? Mmmmmmmm....Yessssss....


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (sgtvor @ Feb. 03 2002,06:00)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"><span id='postcolor'>

Yea, 2 versions of the helo is cool with me.

And how GREAT would the SCREENSHOTS be showing those Delta Force boys on the side of a Little Bird just itching to jump out and do some action! Way cool.

You guys are right about the problem of people falling through the roof. But if it's a really big building with a totally flat roof, (except for an area where the soldiers would enter to get down into the building), I would think BIS could do it just fine.

They might need to do some new body animation for a different body position showwing the soldiers on the side of the Little Bird.

Let's keep this thread going. Maybe BIS will pick up on the interest and add the chopper and code for soldiers on the side of the helos!!!

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I agree totaly =)

But i think the Huey-1 would b nice 8)

Little bird could also fit...but the roof tops would b a super-extra-hard-core camping spot i think >=)

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (_Assulter_ @ Feb. 04 2002,02:20)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I agree totaly =)

But i think the Huey-1 would b nice 8)

Little bird could also fit...but the roof tops would b a super-extra-hard-core camping spot i think >=)<span id='postcolor'>

Yea, a Huey would be GREAT. But they have some types of Hueys already planned. I take it a Huey-1 is the typical Vietnam slick?

I have yet to see a screenshot with the Little-bird, let alone with a little-bird and some soldiers on the side! So let the begging begin!

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What about the Castle in south Everon? It's got a flat foof and you can stand in it. A "Little Bird" would fit on it.

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I think the current code is very capable of having seats on the outside of a vehicle... however, I wouldn't take the task of explaining the logic behind how they remained seated even as the chopper capsized.

I've turned several choppers up-down in strange (for me non-reproducible) maneuvers... But when that happens the controls get crappy, so you aren't likely to straighten it up again...

Never managed to do it on purpose...

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (MaHuJa @ Feb. 05 2002,15:17)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I think the current code is very capable of having seats on the outside of a vehicle... however, I wouldn't take the task of explaining the logic behind how they remained seated even as the chopper capsized.<span id='postcolor'>


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MH-6 littlebird in the next add-on please?

with 4 spec ops soldiers able to sit on the outside, please?

Just another request.  THANKS guys! wink.gifbiggrin.gif

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I've always wanted a huey but i completly forgot about little birds. I think i would rather see a little bird first.

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At a lan i go to every month, we have competitions to see who has the most skill at driving, tanking, flying, ect. And one of the competitions is to land an ah-1 on the castle roof as quick as possible. The problem is, you can land, but as soon as your do, the cobra starts to go through the floors.

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Somebody already made a little bird for OFP

they're just waiting for Oxygen to come out


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Sweet. Will they be able to have several soldiers sit on the side boards too? And if yes, can they do that in single AND multiplayer???

I'm dying to get some screenshots of Spec Ops guys riding on the sides of a little bird, just waiting to be deployed.

I heard you could land on the castle roof, but I guess you can't since your helo will fall through the roof slowly, after touching down. A few flat buildings that the helos could land on would be really good.

And slightly larger towns would be great too. Dang, I just want it ALLLLLL. This game is soooo cool.

I took digital pics of my friends and made OFP faces for them. Now I see THEM in the game when we multi. Awesome stuff. One of the faces I did was so good, it's scary. It shocked me how good it came out. Looking at my friends in the game is WILD.

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ooo i just saw Black Hawk Down here in Australia and loved it, but what i would love more is to see the little bird in Op Flash, aahh love this thread, hope it comes true .. soon smile.gif

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Since we've got the Little Bird already in the works, I have a loooong-time dream:

Could, the genius responsible for that model be persuaded to make a vanilla version (ie without all the sideboards and guns), and with these positions:

Pilot, Door gunner (m-60), observer/gunner (Personal weapon + smoke grenades, passenger

That would make my day; I've *always* wanted to fly a LOH ("loach") on recce missions :-)

regards, Dr Oink

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