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need help with dedicated server

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l have a ded server but when l get into the game with the server going it either doesn't have the list of the maps as it stays on the loading screen as giong into the server, or it gets to the voting part and just counts down,

so how do you vote or fix the server.cfg, below is my server.cfg

can someone please help me.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">



hostnamd="*** greatest Server (Password needed)";



"Welcome to the non-official",





class Missions


class MPCTF_01 // name for the mission, can be anything


template = M02CaptureTheFlag.SaraLite;

cadetMode = 1; // difficulty 0=veteran 1=cadet (not only AI, but radar, map etc)


class MPCOOP_01 // name for the mission, can be anything


template = M01Cooperative.SaraLite;

cadetMode = 1; // difficulty 0=veteran 1=cadet (not only AI, but radar, map etc)


class MPCTI_01 // name for the mission, can be anything


template = M03ConquerTheIsland.SaraLite;

cadetMode = 1; // difficulty 0=veteran 1=cadet (not only AI, but radar, map etc)



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My server.cfg: (Demo)

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">passwordAdmin = "******";

password = "";














class Missions


class MPCOOP_01


template = M01Cooperative.SaraLite;

cadetMode = 1;



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It seems voteMissionPlayers acts a little different now. This is the reason you can not see the mission list. The server will wait untill 5 players have connected before mission voting begins. Set this to one and you will have your mission list back.

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when l do get the mission list back how do l vote, l press

every button on my keyboard lol, and nothing works.

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Here is the list of Admin console commands from the dedicated server readme file...

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Appendix A: List of administrator commands

The following commands have special meaning when issued on global chat channel:

#login Login as server administrator

#logout Logout, but stay connected as a normal user

#init Reload server config file loaded by –config option.

#kick Kick given player

#kick Kick player with given number

#restart Restart mission

#reassign Go back to side selection screen

#mission Select mission with known name

#missions Select mission

#shutdown Shutdown server

#userlist Display list of all users

#monitor Start server monitoring. Server CPU load and bandwidth usage is displayed in the global chat channel.

The default interval is 10 seconds. To stop monitoring type monitor 0.

#debug checkfile - check if any file used by clients matches server version (output done both via chat and console)

console - watch server console log remotely *

totalsent - watch outgoing network traffic stats (total) *

usersent - watch outgoing network traffic stats (per-user) *

userinfo - watch bandwidth estimations (per-user) *

userqueue - report outgoing queue statsu (per-user) *

- set debug stats monitoring interval *

off - stop all debug monitoring. You can also use off to cancel single stats, e.g. #debug userinfo off *

* - output is done using OutputDebugString from the admins client. You can use any debugger to watch this output, or there are utilities for this as well (on very good is DebugView from SysInternals avaialable at http://www.sysinternals.com/ntw2k/freeware/debugview.shtml)

And the console commands for regular users are...

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">#vote missions Users can vote for the mission selection

#vote mission (name) Users can vote on a particular mission (named) to play

#vote kick (name/ID) Users can vote to kick off an individual

#vote restart Vote to restart the mission

#vote reassign Vote to reassign

#userlist Displays the list of users on the server (use pgup to scroll up)

If your logged in as admin use #missions to bring up the mission list. If your just a player use #vote mission.

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The CTI Bug in demo servers has been resolved with the new 5114 release

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