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co12 Refuge aka The Outpost

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Refuge aka The Out Post v1.1

Defend the outpost with your life.

Big outpost set in the desert and you have to keep it from being overrun.

I have managed to convert the SPAWNAI, and MechanizedAI Spawn Scripts to work in ArmA \0/.

So there is difficulty settings.


-Easy, Medium, Hard, Impossible [yeah the last is a challenge but can be done with experts i think]

-Weather Settings

-Every 10 minutes the time fast forward a few hours to get full day experience

-After 3 hours mission ends [Healthy for the players sake when playing Impossible Unless all die sooner]

-Big Sandbag Bunker [ Charlie Ack (fraghaus)]


-Markers Follow Players Pos

-Spectator Cam v1.4[not in use]

Hint* When playing Impossible Mode the only way to win is destroy all 5 enemy spawn tents. Plus all the tanks and other units ^^

DOWNLOAD [ Refuge UPDATED!!! 1.1 ] - Right Click Save As

armaholic - Mirror v1.1




I added a lot more to the Bunker after i took those pictures so yano the drill..

Have Lots of Fun! [please comment tounge2.gif ]

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Is the cobra enclosed within 4 radio towers for a reason? My friends refer to that as a "falken trap", as I just ran over to it to fly and couldn't get the chopper out. sad_o.gif

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Is the cobra enclosed within 4 radio towers for a reason? My friends refer to that as a "falken trap", as I just ran over to it to fly and couldn't get the chopper out. sad_o.gif

? you got a screenshot? wink_o.gif Its for when it gets dark, you can see where to land ^^

i think it is buggy on dedicated servers due to the setpos thing not working properly wink_o.gif

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UPDATE Version 1.1 Released

Whats new:

- Updated Bunker to work in MP [DEDICATED S]

- Added NVG to ammo creates

- Made Impossible Even more harder


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Do the elevated sandbags actually show like that to clients? As far as I know the setpos command is inoperable for most objects. If it works, I want to know how!

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Do the elevated sandbags actually show like that to clients? As far as I know the setpos command is inoperable for most objects. If it works, I want to know how!

no i had to take them out, althoigh some of the bunker like the flags are elevated. biggrin_o.gif although u can get into the bunker and reach the chopper ^^ and it can take off.

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i played around with spawnai scripts included with mission  cant get them to work on dedi server

any ideas ?

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not too sure mate, they all worked on dedi server for me.. are you adding the dummy groups which are on the other side of the map?

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yeah i got the dummy groups ... works a treat if i host mp game .. as soon as i put it on dedi server no spawn ..

shame coz they are excellent scripts ..

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after some minutes my outpost becomes flooded with enemies but game keeps going on.

You've talked about destroying the spawn tents to win.

But it seems to be impossible to lose?

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Good mission. My lads play it often on our server. Only one issue as already mentioned - it is impossible at the moment to loose. But still awsome mission for atmosphere, and a good old final stand.

Good work

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Yeah Impossible.. Your not allowed to loose thats why ^^ Destroy all spawn tents then kill all enemy then move onto town and kill enemy there and it should finish.

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