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Ticonderoga "USS Bunker Hill"

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Hey guys.... i'm currently working on the "USS Bunker Hill" a Ticonderoga Class Missile Cruiser. The modeling part is close to be finished and i'm going to make textures during the next week. Besides that a talented Texturer would be very welcome because i'm not so experienced in texturing. Additional a Scripter is needed as soon as the tools are public to port the Ship over to Armed Assault. In the first version at least the Flight Deck should be functionable to land and walk on it.

Okay now enough of talking.... here are the pictures!



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It looks great, Boomer. What are you modelling it in, 3ds, Wings?

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That looks indeed impressive! Now that we can actually use the water I already hoped people would pick up on the ship part notworthy.gif

Will you add more navy stuff to your addon or will it only contain this "USS Bunker Hill"?

Or cant you say that right now?

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If i find an experienced scripter and texturer (i'm not so good at it) i could possibly think about doing more navy vessels... the modeling part is no problem for me but the rest is kind of tricky...

regards boomer

ps: 3ds is my modeling program

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Nice model of the Tico CG VLS.

I'm curious, would you also make this model available to be an OFP addon as well?

The two main deck guns and two CIWS guns should be easy to implement for ArmA unless ArmA limits number of turrets to two or three.

Regarding scripting, it depends on what you have in mind. I'm not sure exactly what the "time to live" is for missiles, but I'm fairly certain that any SAM's for ArmA will be able to go significantly farther and longer than in OFP without extensive scripting.

A script for holding helos on deck and helo ops while the ship is moving, that will take lots of scripting experimentation.

TLAM Strikes, that depends on the ArmA coding system and how "in-depth" the system you want it to be.

RGM-84C (Anti-ship missiles), difficult to highly accurately simulate, but has been done for OFP. (MCAR Project team)

Anyways, if you want a good simulation of Anti-ship missiles and SAM's, I recommend you bug them when ArmA releases their addon/mod development tools.

Long live navy units in sims, especially for OFP/ArmA.

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Great to see another naval fan in here... well as i said the first version will be a static one b/c i think the moveable version will take a lot more scripting than a the static one... And first off i need a scripter before the tools are out! And a texture artist so that i ´can concentrate on going on modeling.

So if any scipter or texturer would like to help please drop me a pm!

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Hi Boomer,

Looks good smile_o.gif

Not sure why you are after scripters, if its just to launch missiles, then I'm not your man ..... there will be many other ppl working on that sort of thing anyway, typically land based which will translate to water based easy enough in ArmA.

As for textures, definitely not your man .... my own are going to take *way* too long as it is .... I'm not an artist sad_o.gif

Until the tools come out the hard bits won't start, which means for me it will be months+ before I can release a usable product.

With my limited and sparatic sparetime I'm little use to anyone else as a team member other than "my-team" wink_o.gif

I'd suggest first getting a good looking product them start fishing for scripters, but not a broad "I need scripter", start with specific tasks like "I need this missile model launched vertical from here..." and likely many of the talented scripters out there will start providing working samples.

Best of Luck mate.



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Thanks Gnat... so i'll have to get used to texturing hehe... oh i see some weekends passing by waving and laughing at me wink_o.gif

stay tuned and prey for my weekends thumbs-up.gif

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