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New Animations

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Would it be technically possible to make animations like the leaning to the wall like in Rainbow Six Vegas?

I mean that you could lean with your back to the wall and sneak around the corner with your rifle. In R6VEGAS you even can make a blind shot around the corner without leaning your body around the corner, just the rifle. Even more superb it would be when AI would use these techniques. This would make some great CQB battles.

If Sanctuary or Dreamy Knight reads this: What do you think this idea?

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Not to rain on your parade or anything, but the amount of effort that was poured into games like R6V and GRAW to get that kind of functionality in them is probably far beyond what mod teams can do. I'm going to go out on a limb here and say that without proper functionality coded into the game from the start, there's not a chance in hell that a really slick version of it will be possible by modders.

Game2, who knows. ArmA? Doubt it.

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