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Dedicated server error with v1.4

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When I go to start a dedicated server after installing v1.4 and the v1.4 DS I get the following error:

No entry 'resource.bin::RscInGameUI::RscHint::Background.size'.

I looked in my resource.bin and did a search for those lines and they are empty. What should I add to them if anything?

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I also have the same problem, and I had a perfectly working DS install before the 1.4 patch. system specs, are win2k AS SP2, 256meg sdram on a via apollo proT chipset mobo PIII 667mhz. hmmm

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Well, I fixed it. I reinstalled OpFlash, applied the approrpiate updates and voila. I'm running win2k pro 512mb sdram via apollo proA chipset with dual p3-700s@933. via related?

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I get the same problem, even with clean install on our dedicated server.

The OFP server is down at the moment and if I continue to get problems, I will just un-install OFP and install AvP2 and start a AvP2 clan and server.

This is getting beyond a joke!!!!!!.

v1.30 on the whole run fine. So why should v1.40 cause problems unless it was not tested properly.

By the way, the server uses SIS chipset, so cannot be VIA chipsets causing problem.

Have run a squad in the OFP League since the USA release.

Have run a 24/7 public OFP server since the USA release. Well, tried to, except for the random crashes!!!!

Have run other MP servers such as Q3 and AvP2 on same server and never ever had so many problems that I get with OFP.

Just about had it with OFP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Every upgrade brings new problems!!!!!!!!!

I love the game, otherwise I would not have created MugHug's Marauders and set up a OFP public server, but I am SO FED UP WITH THE UNACCEPTABLE PROBLEMS that are still issues.

MugHug of MugHugs Marauders

(OFP League CTF Winners)

(Edited by MugHug at 5:47 pm on Dec. 21, 2001)

(Edited by MugHug at 5:51 pm on Dec. 21, 2001)

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hmm, uninstalled OFP, reinstalled it and patched it up to 1.4, still the same error after installing the 4.36 4 in one drivers.  Anyone got any ideas?

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Back again.

Ultimate upgrade v1.40 will not run as a DS on my W2K Server. I also tried it on my Windows XP HE workstation (different hardware) and get exactly the same issue.

A Fed up MugHug

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We encountered the same problem during testing the game. In our case it was caused by this:

1.30 instalation includes Ded. server executable

1.40 patch does not include it, and after applying the patch you have 1.40 installation with 1.30 DS executable (you should be able to verify this by checking version of OFP_Server.exe in Windows Explorer File Properties).


after patching to 1.40 you need to install 1.40 dedicated server executable, which is available as separate download in our Download section.

Please let me know if this helped or not.

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Suma, if that's the problem, why don't you package everything together in one single patch file from now on?

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Didn't help. I downloaded the v1.40 server executable after upgrading v1.40. The server is now up with operationflashpoint.exe -server, but if a restart is due, then it wants a CD every time. Not good.

As said before, the error message is:

No entry 'resource.bin::RscInGameUI::RscHint::Background.size'.


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got the same error when i start ofp dedicated:

No entry 'resource.bin::RscInGameUI::RscHint::Background.size'


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Flashnews info has been updated. In case of persisting problems please write here version of your OFP_Server.exe file located in main OFP directory and size and modification time of your bin\resource.bin file.

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truly sorry, all. especially Suma.

just got used to the easy zip files from the earlier patches. just now found that "server" directory the ofp_server.exe resided in.

not a good call, imho, but the main fact is this:

01:52 <fd_FinP> korsumajuri, heitä kasa.armeija.org

01:52 <KorsuMajuri> =FinP= Dedicated server amd1200tb 2320/2320sdsl on 192.168.1... | Driven at Kolgujev | Map loaded  | PUBLIC | 3/24 | v140

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Yes, I knew there was the DS exe in the \server directory. But, I have installed OFP on my XP Pro machine with a BX chipset in hopes of running my DS off of it, but I get the same error. I have unintalled/reinstalled and same error. I'm gonna check those links above to see what they offer.

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Well, it's not the same error, but it's still an error. I guess you didn't see me say in my first post that I have installed the DS v1.4 to begin with. For some reason it works on my Win2k box. But, here's the deal with my XP Pro box. I installed OFP, applied v1.3 patch, then 1.4 patch, then proceded to put the Dedicated Server v1.4 into the \server directory. I then create a shortcut on my desktop to run the DS. I get the following error when hitting the DS icon: No entry 'bin\config.bin.CfgWorlds'. I then uninstalled OFP, and reinstalled with all of the appropriate patches and v1.4 DS. The problem persists. Guess what I did then. I brought all the files from the \server folder and put it in the main directory. It now works! So, try moving the v1.4 DS files from the \server file and put it in the main directory overwriting the old ones.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"> I brought all the files from the \server folder and put it in the main directory.  It now works! So, try moving the v1.4 DS files from the \server file and put it in the main directory overwriting the old ones. <span id='postcolor'>

They should be in the main directory - as stated in readme.txt:

The new OFP_Sever exe file should then be copied into the root Flashpoint directory along with the flashpoint.cfg file.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Quote: from asskickr2002 on 6:27 pm on Dec. 31, 2001


Search The FAQ for "cfgworlds".

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