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ArmA Demo Server problems

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We now have ArmA running on our dedicated server using the full version of the demo and the Demo dedicated patch released yesterday.  We also are using a server.cfg file that just lists the name of our company vs the default which is the machine name.  All other parameters are defaults that are set by the demo it self.

Our problem is that we have gotten numerous crashes in the past 24 hours that always point to 1 thing the ArmAdemo.exe

Here is the codes:

Quote[/b] ]

Event Type: Error

Event Source: Application Error

Event Category: (100)

Event ID: 1000

Date: 12/29/2006

Time: 12:00:54 PM

User: N/A



Faulting application ArmADemo.exe, version, faulting module ArmADemo.exe, version, fault address 0x0034213a.

For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/events.asp.


0000: 41 70 70 6c 69 63 61 74   Applicat

0008: 69 6f 6e 20 46 61 69 6c   ion Fail

0010: 75 72 65 20 20 41 72 6d   ure  Arm

0018: 41 44 65 6d 6f 2e 65 78   ADemo.ex

0020: 65 20 31 2e 33 2e 30 2e   e 1.3.0.

0028: 35 31 31 30 20 69 6e 20   5110 in

0030: 41 72 6d 41 44 65 6d 6f   ArmADemo

0038: 2e 65 78 65 20 31 2e 33   .exe 1.3

0040: 2e 30 2e 35 31 31 30 20   .0.5110

0048: 61 74 20 6f 66 66 73 65   at offse

0050: 74 20 30 30 33 34 32 31   t 003421

0058: 33 61                     3a      

0000: 6c707041 74616369 206e6f69 6c696146

0010: 20657275 6d724120 6d654441 78652e6f

0020: 2e312065 2e302e33 30313135 206e6920

0030: 416d7241 6f6d6544 6578652e 332e3120

0040: 352e302e 20303131 6f207461 65736666

0050: 30302074 31323433 6133

We have researched this on your site, Windows Server 2003 Resouce site and various Window sites to no avail nor any reference to the fault code.

So any help or comments would be appreciated.

Our dedicated server specs are;

Windows 2003 Server

Intel Celeron 3.2ghz

1gb of Ram

10 -100mb throughput to the web


s/ ASU

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i am doubting that gig is his issue the exe along with anything and everything else AA is bugged

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The CTI in the Demo using the new EXE ran as a dedicated server will crash the server everytime, I setup the OGN Demo server yesterday and both the Coop and CTF missions never crashed once.

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The CTI in the Demo using the new EXE ran as a dedicated server will crash the server everytime, I setup the OGN Demo server yesterday and both the Coop and CTF missions never crashed once.

How did you change just to 2 maps through a server config? The demo seems to have only 2 files that reference the 3 maps...MPMissions and Saralite ppo files.

I am not too familiar with PPO since for me PPO was Pascal files which I havn't had to deal with since...ugh...the mid 70's in University...

So any enlightment you can share would be greatly appreciated since I prefer to keep a server up for the players here in the states...


s/ ASU

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Just as a note- this subject is going on in another thread (hmmm- I didn't see it earlier...sry moderators)

It is the CTI file - I double cxheck the latest dmp files and forward them to Maruk to check out.

The short term fix was to add a statement in the Server.cfg that says DO NOT SELECT CTI - It crashes the server!

I hope people read that..

Thks all!

s/ ASU

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How do you get it to start playing a map via the config file?

Thats what I was asking AUS_Twisted and he hasn't replied to the forum yet. I just made my server.cfg file to change the name to the server etc. Everything else runs at ArmADemo default.

I tried to place a MAP list in the Server.cfg file but it wouldn't really take since I must not of been pointing it to the correct directory (addons/mpmissions)

Anyway all I did finally was add a note to the player load screen after the welcome bit...PLEASE DO NOT SELECT CAPTURE THE ISLAND- IT CRASHES THE SERVER...

I hope it works....

Oh yeah - I also gave Maruk a link where he could dnld, my dmp files with the CTI listed in the fault. Hopefully they will find a quick and good fix for us.


s/ ASU

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Just FYI:

We weren't able to get the demo server to launch with players until we went back to our OFP roots.

#Vote admin (somebody)

admin issues command:


picks the mission...and off you go.

Hope this helps someone!

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Just FYI:

We weren't able to get the demo server to launch with players until we went back to our OFP roots.

#Vote admin (somebody)

admin issues command:


picks the mission...and off you go.

Hope this helps someone!

Try setting voteMissionPlayers to 1 in your server config.

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AllShotUp @ Dec. 30 2006,07:11)]The short term fix was to add a statement in the Server.cfg that says DO NOT SELECT CTI - It crashes the server!

I hope people read that..

Hehe, I did the same thing but I still get people selecting CTI.

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AllShotUp @ Dec. 30 2006,07:11)]The short term fix was to add a statement in the Server.cfg that says DO NOT SELECT CTI - It crashes the server!

I hope people read that..

Hehe, I did the same thing but I still get people selecting CTI.

Sometimes I believe it is like my children...you tell them not to do something or X will happen and they have to see it for themselves...

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