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Snow Script

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This was made by Kegetys, i just edited a little bit for it to work in ArmA, its in my upcoming mission..

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; Snowing script v1.0 by Kegetys <Kegetys@raketti.net>

; http://www.ofp.kege.cjb.net


; For Winter Nogojev


;he snow script was written by Kegetys, and produces a snow effect. Usage:

;[density] exec "snow.sqs"

;...where density is the density of snow you want (I use 25 for light snow).



; where density is the density of the snowing. If density is not specified a default of 5 is used.

; Note that the maximum working density is relative to the FPS.


_velocity = [0,0,-0.61]

_density = 5

? count _this > 0 : _density = _this select 0

keepsnowing = true



_spawnDist = 35

_spawnHeight = 15

_foo = 0


_posDrop = [(getpos player select 0)-_spawnDist+(random (_spawnDist*2)), (getpos player select 1)-_spawnDist+(random (_spawnDist*2)), (getpos player select 2)+_spawnHeight]

_posDrop = [(_posDrop select 0)+((velocity vehicle player select 0)*5),(_posDrop select 1)+((velocity vehicle player select 1)*5),_posDrop select 2]

drop ["\ca\data\cl_water", "", "Billboard", 1, 7, _posDrop, _velocity, 1, 0.000001, 0.000, 1.4, [0.06,0.06], [[1,1,1,0], [1,1,1,1], [1,1,1,1], [1,1,1,1]], [0,1,0,1,0,1], 0.2, 1.2, "", "", ""]

_foo = _foo + 1

? _foo < _density : goto "luup"

? keepsnowing: goto "Begin"

Copy and Paste that into a script file [should know how by now]

Add this into a trigger or what ever..

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[density] exec "snow.sqs"

Merry X-mas

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In arma, you can create a particle source instead of having to loop the drop command endlessly which is much more optimal. I would recommend rewriting the whole thing to use that instead.

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